City of Leavenworth Development Regulations

D E V E L O P M E N T R E G U L A T I O N S A R T I C L E 8 . S I G N S

8.14 Billboards

6. Any legal nonconforming billboard which remains damaged or in disrepair, regardless of the percentage of construction (or damage) value or area of square footage which is damaged, for a period of three months following the date of damage shall be removed. D. Any one-faced billboard that has remained vacant for a period of three months or more shall be deemed to have been abandoned and shall result in the removal of the billboard. Any two-faced billboard that has both sides vacant for a period of three months or more shall be deemed to have been abandoned and shall result in the removal of the billboard. The term "vacant" shall not be interpreted to include any type of "for lease" sign displayed by the billboard owner with a minimum size of four feet by eight feet. E. Failure to comply with any applicable restrictions or performance standards of this ordinance may result in the removal of both the billboard sign face and structure by the City at a cost to be paid by the owner of the billboard. A. Nonconforming : A nonconforming sign existing lawfully at the time of the passage of this sign code may be continued under the terms as hereinafter provided that such nonconforming signs shall be modified to conform, replaced with a conforming sign or removed according to the following: 1. If there is a change in business ownership, tenant, name or type of business. 2. Any maintenance, repair or alteration of a nonconforming sign shall not cost more than 25% of the current value of the sign as of the date of alteration or repair. Notification: If the Director shall find that any sign or other advertising structure regulated herein is unsafe and insecure, or is a menace to the public or has been constructed or erected or is being maintained in violation of this sign code, he or she shall give written notice to the owner thereof, to remove or alter the structure so as to comply with the standard herein set forth. 2. Abatement: Failure to abate the same shall cause the City to abate such sign with costs assessed to the property owner. 3. Emergency Abatement by City: When, in the opinion of the City Engineer, there is actual or immediate danger to the public caused by a hazardous or dangerous sign, the City shall cause the same to be abated with no written notice or hearing. Costs for such emergency abatement shall be assessed to the property owner. C. Vacated and Abandoned Signs: Within 6 months following discontinuance of the business or usage to which the sign relates, the sign face and structure shall be removed in entirety. D. Reuse: Reuse of a vacated, nonconforming sign, or any of its appurtenances shall require altering the sign to comply with this sign code. A new business use intending to reuse a conforming sign base or pole properly capped and vacated shall obtain a sign permit in accordance with this sign code. B. Hazardous, Dangerous, or Illegal Signs : 1. 8.15. Nonconforming, Hazardous, Illegal, and Prohibited Signs

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