City of Leavenworth Development Regulations

D E V E L O P M E N T R E G U L A T I O N S A R T I C L E 1 2 . D E F I N I T I O N S

Final Plat: A plan or map prepared in accordance with the provisions of this regulation and those of any other applicable local regulation, which plat is prepared to be placed on record in the office of the Register of Deeds of the County. Financial Institution, with Drive-thru: An institution that provides financial services for its clients or members including deposit-taking institutions, which accept and manage deposits and make loans. Examples are banks, building and loan societies, credit unions, trust companies, mortgage loan companies, insurance companies, pension funds, brokers, underwriters, and investment funds. This definition does not include short term or automobile title loan businesses. If these institutions have a physical facility to allow their customers to make transaction from a vehicle they are “drive-thru.” Financial Institution, without Drive-thru: An institution that provides financial services for its clients or members including deposit-taking institutions, which accept and manage deposits and make loans. Examples are banks, building, and loans societies, credit unions, trust companies, mortgage loan companies, insurance companies, pension funds, brokers, underwriters, and investment funds. This definition does not include short term or automobile title loan businesses. If these institutions do not have a physical facility to allow their customers to make transaction from a vehicle they are “without drive-thru.” Fish Farm/Hatchery: A place where large numbers of fish eggs are artificially fertilized and hatched, and fish are raised in an enclosed environment. Hatcheries may be owned and operated by either governments or private interests. Some hatcheries raise the fry until they reach adulthood and have commercial value; others release the fry into the wild with the intent of building up the wild stock. Fish Farms raise the fish until they are ready for market. Flashing: A pattern of changing light Illumination where the sign's illumination alternates suddenly between fully illuminated and fully non-illuminated for drawing attention to the sign. Floating Zone: A special detailed use of district of undetermined location in which the proposed kind, location, size, juxtaposition and form of structures must be preapproved, and which, like a special use permit, is legislatively predetermined to be compatible with the areas in which it may thereafter be located on a particular application, provided specified predetermined standards are met and actual incompatibility is not revealed. A Planned Unit Development is the only floating zone in this ordinance. Flood Boundary and Floodway Map (FBFM): An official map of a community on which the Administrator has delineated both special flood hazard areas and the designated regulatory floodway. Flood Elevation Determination: A determination by the Administrator of the water surface elevations of the base flood, that is, the flood level that has a one percent or greater chance of occurrence in any given year. Flood Elevation Study: An examination, evaluation and determination of flood hazards and if appropriate, corresponding water surface elevations. Flood Fringe: The area outside the floodway encroachment lines, but still subject to inundation by the regulatory flood. Flood Hazard Boundary Map (FHBM): An official map of a community, issued by the Administrator, where the boundaries of the flood areas having special flood hazards have been designated as (unnumbered or numbered) A zones.

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