City of Leavenworth Development Regulations
D E V E L O P M E N T R E G U L A T I O N S A R T I C L E 1 2 . D E F I N I T I O N S
Historically or Architecturally important feature: The qualities present in a structure, property, or district because it: (a) Is associated with an event or events that significantly contributed to the broad patterns of the history or architectural heritage of the city, state, or nation. (b) Is associated with the life of a person(s) significant to the history of the city, state, or nation. (c) Embodies distinctive characteristics of a type, design, period, or method of construction. (d) Represents the work of a master craftsman or possesses high artistic value. (e) Exemplifies the cultural, political, economic, social, or historic heritage of city, state, or nation. (f) Contains elements of design, detail, materials, or craftsmanship which represent a significant construction innovation. (g) Is part of or related to a square, park or other distinctive area that was or should be developed or preserved according to a plan based on a historic or architectural motif. (h) Is an established and familiar visual feature of a neighborhood or of the community. (i) Has yielded or is likely to yield archeological artifacts and/or information. Holiday Decorations: Displays erected on a seasonal basis in observance of religious, national, or state holidays that are not intended to be permanent in nature and that do not constitute commercial signs. Home Occupation: A business, profession, service, or trade, meeting the qualifications of and permitted by the Supplementary District Regulations of this ordinance, conducted for gain or support within a residential building. Hospital: An institution for health care providing patient treatment by specialized staff and equipment, and often, but not always providing for long-term patient stays. Hotel: A building or portion thereof, or a group of buildings, which provide sleeping accommodations for transients on a daily or weekly basis for pay, whether such establishments are designated as a hotel, inn, automobile court, motel, motor inn, motor lodge, tourist cabin, tourist court, or otherwise. Hotels and Motels (with accessory uses): A commercial establishment that provides guest-lodging accommodations consisting of a room with a bed, bathroom, climate control and maid service on a short- term basis. Hotels typically have rooms exiting on to a semi-secure central hallway. Motels typically have rooms exiting directly to the outdoors and have parking close to the room door. Identification Sign: Any sign giving the nature, logo, trademark or other identifying symbol, address, or any combination of the name, symbol, and address of a building, business development, or establishment on the premises where it is located. Illegal Lot Combination/Transfer: A lot that contains one (1) or more portions of a lot or lots of record. The transference of a portion of a platted lot without a replat of both the donor and recipient lots is illegal. Illegal Sign : A sign that violates the intent or provisions of the sign code and is installed or erected after the effective date of the current sign code or was illegally installed before the effective date of the sign code and is not in conformance with the sign code. Illuminated Sign: A sign lighted by, or exposed to, artificial lighting either by lights on or in the sign or directed toward the sign. Illumination: The amount of light that is incident to the surface of an object. This is the method for describing ambient light levels or the amount of light that is projected onto a front-lit sign. This parameter is typically measured in Lux (foot-candles x meters).
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