City of Leavenworth Development Regulations
D E V E L O P M E N T R E G U L A T I O N S A R T I C L E 1 2 . D E F I N I T I O N S
Kennel: A facility, which houses, boards, breeds, or trains five (5) or more dogs or cats by other than the owner. Landfill, Construction and Demolition: An approved location through the special use permit process wherein the following can be deposited: waste building materials and rubble resulting from construction, remodeling, repair or demolition operations on houses, commercial buildings, other structures, and pavement. Landfill, Cut And Fill: A location wherein clean fill dirt may be deposited or cut with the approval and review of the Director of Public Works. Landfill, Municipal Solid Waste: A landfill accepting all types of material as regulated by the State of Kansas not including Construction and Demolition Landfills or Cut and Fill Landfills. Municipal Solid Waste Landfills are not allowed in the City of Leavenworth. Landowner: (Also known as property owner) The legal or beneficial owner or owners of all land proposed for action under this ordinance. The holder of a contract to purchase or other persons having an enforceable proprietary interest in such land shall be deemed a landowner or property owner for the purpose of this ordinance. Landscape Material: Living material such as trees, shrubs, ground cover/vines, turf grasses, and non- living material such as: rocks, pebbles, sand, bark, brick pavers, earthen mounds (excluding pavement), and/or other items of a decorative or embellishment nature such as fountains, pools, walls, fencing, sculpture, etc. Landscaped Open Space: All land area within the property lines not covered by building or pavement. Leavenworth Landmark: A site, structure, or object designated as a landmark by the City Commission deemed worthy of preservation because of its historic, archaeological, and/or architectural significance to the City, state or nation. Legal Setback Line : A line established by the Development Regulations beyond which no building may be built. A legal setback line shall be measured from the property line, not the curb line. Library: A collection of sources, resources, and services, and the structure in which it is housed, organized for use and maintained by a public body, an institution, or a private individual. Light Industrial: Light industry is usually less capital intensive than heavy industry, and is more consumer- oriented than business-oriented. Most light industry products are produced for end users rather than as intermediates for use by other industries. Light industry facilities typically have less environmental impact than those associated with heavy industry. Light industry is a manufacturing activity that uses moderate amounts of partially processed materials to produce items of relatively high value per unit weight. Examples of light industries include the manufacture of clothes, shoes, furniture, consumer electronics, and home appliances. Light industries require only a small amount of raw materials, area, and power. Local Streets: A street whose primary purpose is to provide access to private property. Lot Area: The total square footage area of the property bounded by the front, side and rear lot lines, excluding all dedicated rights-of-way.
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