City of Leavenworth Development Regulations
D E V E L O P M E N T R E G U L A T I O N S A R T I C L E 1 2 . D E F I N I T I O N S
Person: Includes any individual or group of individuals, corporation, partnership, association, or any other entity, including Federal, State, and local governments and agencies. Pervious Pavement: A pavement system with traditional strength characteristics but which allows rainfall to percolate through it rather than running off. A pervious pavement system uses either porous asphalt, pervious concrete, or plastic pavers interlaid in a running bond pattern and either pinned or interlocked in place. Porous asphalt consists of an open graded course aggregate held together by asphalt with sufficient interconnected voids to provide a high rate of permeability. Pervious concrete is a discontinuous mixture of Portland cement, coarse aggregate, admixtures, and water that allows for passage of run-off and air. Examples of permeable pavement systems include Grasspave2®, Gravelpave2®, Turfstone®, and UNI Eco-stone®.2 Pet Grooming: The hygienic care and cleaning of a pet as well as a process by which a pet's physical appearance is enhanced. Pet Shops: Any location where the retail sales of pets and pet accessories occurs. Petroleum Pipeline and Pressure Control Stations: Any facility used to measure or maintain the conditions in a pipeline operated by a public utility. Placement: Building siting or positioning on a lot, as determined by its setbacks. Placement also refers to the positioning of individual elements on a building. Planned Unit Development (PUD): A single parcel or contiguous parcels of land intended to be developed in accordance with an overall design plan, which may include residential, commercial, industrial, or public land uses or a mixture thereof. Planning Commission: Shall mean the Leavenworth City Planning Commission. Pole Sign: A freestanding sign supported by uprights, braces, columns, poles, or other vertical members that are not attached to a building. Portable Sign: A temporary sign designed to be transported, including, but not limited to, signs designed to be transported by means of wheels or by a person, a sandwich board sign, balloons or other gas or air filled objects used as commercial signs, and signs attached to or painted on vehicles parked and visible from the public right-of-way, unless that vehicle is used in the normal day-to-day operations of the business. Porte Cochere: (pronounced port co-SHARE) The architectural term for a porch- or portico-like structure at a main or secondary entrance to a building, through which a horse and carriage (or motor vehicle) can pass in order for the occupants to alight under cover, protected from the weather. Post Office Branches: Any physical subdivision or staffed permanent presence of the United States Postal Service. Preliminary Plat: A plan made for showing the design of a proposed subdivision and the existing conditions in and around it. This plan need not be based on a detailed final survey of the property. Principal Structure: A structure in which a dominant use of the lot on which the structure is located is conducted.
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