City of Leavenworth Development Regulations
D E V E L O P M E N T R E G U L A T I O N S A R T I C L E 2 . A P P L I C A T I O N S & P R O C E D U R E S
2.06 Minor Modifications
D. Criteria . The review and approval of a minor modification is administrative and shall not require any form of notice or a public hearing prior to determination. The following criteria shall be met for a minor modification: 1. Evidence of substantial compliance with the provisions of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, any other applicable city plans and the Development Regulations; 2. Compatibility with surrounding land uses; and E. Appeal. Appeal of the Director’s determination shall be to the Development Review Committee. F. Approval Termination : An approved minor modification terminates at the same time as the original approval. Minor modification of an approval does not extend the lapse period of the original approval. G. Record of Minor Modifications and Annual Review: The Director shall keep a record of all minor modifications that includes information about the date of the request, the location of the project, a brief description of the minor modification request, and the Director’s action. The Director shall submit the minor modification log to the Planning Commission annually for review. Upon reviewing the record, the Planning Commission may determine whether changes to the Zoning & Development Ordinance of the City of Leavenworth, Kansas are necessary. Any person wishing to appeal a provision of this document as it has been applied to their case shall make application for appeal to the appropriate entity as listed below. A. Zoning Regulations. Zoning regulations shall be appealed to the Board of Zoning Appeals as specified in Article 11. Specifically this shall include: 1. Article 1. Section 1.05 Non-conformances 2. Article 2. Section 2.05 Site Development Plans 3. Article 4. District Regulations 4. Article 5. Parking 5. Article 10. Supplementary District Regulations B. Development Regulations. Development regulations shall be appealed to the City Commission where specified in these regulations. Specifically this shall include: 1. Article 3. Subdivision Standards 2. Article 4. Section 4.05 Redevelopment Overlay District 3. Article 6. Landscaping 4. Article 9. Historic Preservation 5. Article 8. Signs 2.07 Appeals
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