City of Leavenworth Development Regulations

D E V E L O P M E N T R E G U L A T I O N S A R T I C L E 3 . S U B D I V I S I O N S T A N D A R D S

3.03 Minimum Design Standards

Pedestrian Ways NA When existing or anticipated traffic or arterial and collector streets warrant greater widths of rights-of-way, the additional width shall be dedicated. The minimum gradient on a street shall be 1.0%. 10 feet

12. Street Alignment: Minimum horizontal and vertical alignment on all streets, except in unusual cases, shall be as follows: a. Minimum Horizontal-Radii at the centerline: (1) Local Streets 230 Feet b. Minimum Sight Distance on Vertical Curves: (1) Local Streets 200 Feet 13. Street Geometry : On streets with reverse curves, a reasonable tangent shall be provided between curves to permit a smooth flow of traffic. 14. Street Layout: Proposed streets shall conform to topography as nearly as possible to reduce drainage problems and grades. 15. Intersecting Streets: Off-center intersecting streets shall be at least 125 feet apart measured center to center. 16. Street Elevation: All streets shall be constructed at least at the 100-year flood elevation, or higher. C. Lots Design: 1. Minimum lot width shall be measured at the building setback line. 2. Minimum lot depth shall be 100 feet. (Said measurement shall be made through the center of the lot.) 3. Minimum lot area shall be subject to the requirements of the zoning district in which the subdivision is located and the minimum design standards of this regulation. The more restrictive of the regulations shall govern. 4. All side lot lines shall bear 60 to 90 degrees from the street right-of-way line on a straight street or from the tangent of a curved street except where made necessary to be otherwise by existing or proposed utility lines. 5. Front building or setback lines shall be shown on the final plat for all lots in the subdivision and shall not be less than the setbacks required by the Zoning District or any other regulations adopted by the City Commission; the most restrictive setback requirement shall govern.

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