City of Leavenworth Development Regulations
D E V E L O P M E N T R E G U L A T I O N S A R T I C L E 4 . Z O N I N G D I S T R I C T S & S T A N D A R D S
4.02 Establishment of Districts & Intent
and compatible based upon the existing development pattern. These districts do not need to be contiguous with other multiple family districts. G. RMX, Residential Mixed Use . The RMX district is intended to provide for high-density, multi- family residential dwellings along with a mix of appropriate neighborhood-serving commercial, civic, and other uses. This district allows for single-family detached homes, townhomes, duplexes, triplexes, and apartments. Commercial uses may be included in some residential structures pursuant to the appropriate design standards, or may be permitted as stand-alone structures. This district implements the North Neighborhood area as identified in the 2010 Northeast and Downtown Leavenworth Redevelopment Plan. There shall be only one principal structure per lot in this district. H. MP, Mobile/Manufactured Home Park District. The purpose of this district is to provide low- density mobile/manufactured home park developments, which are compatible with the character of the surrounding neighborhood in which they are located. Mobile/manufactured home parks are considered as residential uses and should be located in areas where services and amenities are available such as those found in conventional residential areas. Mobile homes may be on leased spaces and may be permitted to be placed on permanent foundations. I. NBD, Neighborhood Business District . This district is intended to provide a center for convenience shopping in a residential neighborhood. This district provides for retail and service establishments, which supply commodities or perform services to meet the daily needs of the neighborhood, and shall be in locations where analysis of residential population demonstrates that such facilities are justified. J. OBD, Office Business District . The intent of this district is to allow office facilities for business and professional service uses. Density and intensity of use may be considered moderate and located in areas where analysis of residential consideration demonstrates that such facilities are justified (i.e., traffic, school, pedestrians, can be safely and efficiently accommodated.) K. CBD, Central Business District. The purpose of this district is to provide locations for a variety of commercial retail and service activities and wholesale and storage uses normally found in the core area of the city. These uses must be compatible to a dense commercially developed area and may serve local community or regional needs. L. GBD, General Business District. The purpose of this district is to provide locations for a variety of commercial, retail, and service activities serving the entire community but primarily include activities, which require large land areas or offer service to the motoring public. M. I -1, Light Industrial District. This district is to provide locations for a variety of less intense industrial, warehousing, and wholesale distribution uses. Commercial uses permitted in this district are generally those which serve the convenience of industrial establishments and their employees or those conducted in conjunction with manufacturing or wholesaling operations or those commercial uses requiring large land areas. N. I -2, Heavy Industrial District. The purpose of this district is to provide locations for basic or primary industries and related industrial activities. Many of these industries characteristically
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