City of Leavenworth Development Regulations

D E V E L O P M E N T R E G U L A T I O N S A R T I C L E 4 . Z O N I N G D I S T R I C T S & S T A N D A R D S

4.05 Redevelopment Overlay District


On-street parking adjacent to a hospital may not be counted toward required off-street parking requirements.

3. Library: In all residential zone districts, the use shall abut an arterial or collector street. Gift and coffee shops are permitted in libraries as accessory uses. 4. Community Services: In all residential zone districts, the use shall abut an arterial or collector street. 5. Schools: All uses under the educational facilities category in Table A-1 shall have their principal vehicular entrance and exit on a local street or adjacent street with the lowest volume of traffic.


Commercial Uses .


Bank or Financial Institution. a.

Banks and financial institutions may be permitted as an accessory to a major retail sales establishment in the North Gateway subdistrict provided that the bank or financial institution is not in a separate, free-standing building. Banks or financial institutions that are located within 100 feet of a residential zoning district shall comply with the following requirements: The use shall be compatible with the neighborhood and shall not be detrimental to the same due to: (1) Increased automobile traffic; (2) Noise generated from within the site; or (3) Character of proposed building. The maximum gross floor area of the building shall be 4,000 square feet. If the bank is to include drive-through services, a maximum of two drive-through windows lanes shall be permitted along with a non-drive-through escape lane. The drive-through area shall be designed pursuant to Article 5, Off-Street Parking - Vehicle Stacking Requirements and shall be screened either by site perimeter landscaping or a landscape buffer, whichever is applicable.



d. e.

2. Car Wash. In the ROD, service bays facing a public street or a residential zoning district shall be screened to a height of at least eight feet as viewed from the facing public street or facing residential property line.


Hotels. The following shall be provided: a. Building Design (1)

Access to guest rooms shall be restricted exclusively to interior corridors, which shall be accessed via the main lobby of the building or entryways individually equipped with some form of security controlled access system. The hotel shall install and maintain, in proper operating order, surveillance cameras in each interior hallway and lobby/lounge area, in


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