City of Leavenworth Development Regulations

D E V E L O P M E N T R E G U L A T I O N S A R T I C L E 4 . Z O N I N G D I S T R I C T S & S T A N D A R D S

4.05 Redevelopment Overlay District


Unless otherwise provided for in this ROD, retail sales establishments shall not maintain exterior display or storage. Retail sales establishments that sell large items (e.g., furniture, appliances, lumber, etc.) may be permitted in the North Gateway subdistrict.


8. Sidewalk Café. In all subdistricts in which a sidewalk café is allowed, occupancy of a public sidewalk or parkway for a sidewalk café shall be permitted under the following conditions: a. The area of occupancy must be abutting and contiguous to the restaurant in which food preparation, sanitation, and related services for the sidewalk cafe will be performed. A sidewalk cafe may not be enclosed by fixed walls, unless such walls are necessary to comply with requirements to serve alcohol as described below, and shall be open to the air, except that it may have a canopy. b. An applicant for a sidewalk café with a license to serve alcohol shall require approval by the, City Clerk, the Director, and the applicable state liquor-licensing agency. The applicant shall submit a request for a sidewalk café with alcohol service along with a dimensioned sketch of the requested café area that meets the design standards of this section and incorporates a 36- to 42-inch ornamental metal perimeter fence with a minimum 44-inch opening for ingress and egress. Fabric insert and chain-link fences are prohibited. There shall be unimpeded sidewalk remaining for pedestrian flow and sufficient to meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act from the face of the curb to the area of temporary occupancy. The sidewalk café shall be located a minimum of five feet from driveway and alleys, and ten feet from intersections. All curbs, alleys, sidewalks, and public rights-of-way adjacent to such occupation shall be kept in a clean and orderly condition. Any sidewalk café located adjacent to a residential district or use shall be screened by an opaque wall or fence that is six feet tall. In no case shall any permanent utilities be located in the public ROW located to serve outside facilities associated with the outdoor café. Industrial Uses. All industrial uses shall be subject to the following standards: a. All traffic hazards shall be minimized; b. Lights shall be directed away from adjoining residential areas; c. Off-street loading areas shall be available as needed; d. No dust, smoke, fumes, gas, noxious odor, excessive noise, or other atmospheric effluent shall exceed in intensity at the boundary of the lot the conditions normally found in a residential neighborhood d. e. f. g. h. 9. c.


Recycling Center . a.

The area used for recycling activities shall be limited to 500 square feet. Recyclables may be deposited in refuse-type containers, storage igloos, kiosks, or other containers.


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