City of Leavenworth Development Regulations
D E V E L O P M E N T R E G U L A T I O N S A R T I C L E 6 . L A N D S C A P E & S I T E D E S I G N
6.06 Landscape Design
6.06 Landscape Design
All landscaping elements, including but not limited to planters, retaining walls, and berms must be specifically approved and shall conform to the following standards:
A. Preservation of Trees and Existing Vegetation. Landscaping plans should be designed to preserve and protect existing native vegetation and mature trees. Bonus landscape credit shall be awarded for preserved vegetation as indicated in Table VIII-1 above, where the Director accepts the existing vegetation and/or trees as being in good health and meeting the intent of the landscaping requirements of this section. B. Allowed Plant Materials. Proposed materials must be specified on development plans. The use of low water, drought-tolerant plants is strongly encouraged for all new landscaping. A list of permissible plant species that are either native vegetation or compatible with the climate zones found in the city shall be adopted by the Planning Commission and may be amended from time time-to-time. Materials not on the list may be approved if the Director determines that they are equally or more suitable for local soil conditions, climate, and would provide the same or better level of visual benefits and have desire growth habits. No noxious weeds, as defined by the state, are permitted for use in the city. The landscaping site plan must identify the area of approximate installation of an automatic irrigation system, its maintenance, and intended uses. All landscape plans must note and delineate all irrigated and sod areas. No in-ground irrigation components shall be permitted in the right-of-way. 2. Required landscape areas shall be irrigated by an automatic underground irrigation system, surface drip system, subterranean drip system, or a combination of these systems. 3. A hose bib system may be used for irrigation when a landscape area is less than 1,000 square feet in size and when all portions of the area are within 50 feet of a hose attachment; 4. Irrigation systems shall be equipped with timers and scheduled to operate during evening or early morning hours to minimize evaporation rates. 5. Sprinkler systems shall be configured to prevent over-spray of water onto streets and sidewalks. D. Landscape Maintenance. The responsibility for the maintenance of the landscaping shall lie with the property owner, his /her successor, and/or their agents for all non-residential property. Failure to maintain required landscaping shall be consider a site design violation of this code. All landscaping elements shall be permanently maintained in good growing condition and, whenever necessary, replaced with new plant materials to ensure continued compliance with these standards. All required landscaped areas shall be kept free of weeds, debris, and litter. In addition, all walls and fences shall also be maintained in good condition and, when necessary, be repaired or replaced. Any required landscape material, including any tree, grass or shrub, that dies shall be replaced by June 1 of each year. All required landscaping shall be cleared of all unplanned vegetation including weeds at least once each year prior to June 1. C. Irrigation and Watering Requirements. 1.
6 - 6 L E A V E N W O R T H , K A N S A S
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