City of Leavenworth Development Regulations

D E V E L O P M E N T R E G U L A T I O N S A R T I C L E 6 . L A N D S C A P E & S I T E D E S I G N

6.08 Fences

3. Use of barbed wire by special permit; prohibited when abutting residential property . The use of barbed wire in the construction, reconstruction or maintenance of agricultural fences shall be by a special permit issued by the city inspector. The permit shall not be given or renewed if the fence forms a boundary with a residential development. 4. Hedges and evergreens along public ways—Height restricted . The owner of any hedge or evergreen fence along the side of any street, avenue, or alley shall not permit any such hedge or evergreen fence to grow to exceed four feet in height. Sight Distance. No fence shall be constructed nor shall a hedge or evergreen fence be planted or allowed to grow in such a manner as to obstruct the vision triangle at intersections. 2. Exposure of solid fences. When tight-board fences are constructed, the smooth finished surface shall face the exterior of the property. G. Notice to trim. The owner of any hedge or evergreen fence along the side of any street, avenue, or alley shall on 30 days' notice in writing given by the city inspector be required to trim such hedge or evergreen fence to conform to the requirements of the City’s property maintenance notice. H. Fence maintenance notice. Any property owner who fails to maintain any fence or screening structure in a clean, sanitary and inoffensive condition and free and clear of all obnoxious substances, rubbish and weeds shall, after 30 days' written notice from the Director or his agent, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to the penalty provisions of these Development Regulations and any other applicable City Ordinance. F. General restrictions – all fences. 1. The purpose of this subsection is to protect the existing tree canopy as well as protect future tree canopies of the city when development or redevelopment occurs. The standards in this subsection are intended to regulate the removal of trees on lots within the city. It is not the intent of this subsection to unduly restrict desirable development and redevelopment that would otherwise be possible without these standards. The standards in this subsection shall be applied during review of any development or building permit application. A. Preservation of Significant Trees. Significant trees shall be preserved to the maximum extent feasible. For the purposes of this standard, the caliper of a “significant” tree shall be at least 24 inches for a deciduous tree and 18 inches for an evergreen. B. Significant Tree Replacement. Where significant trees cannot feasibly be preserved, the total caliper inches of the tree(s) that are removed shall be replaced on-site by the same caliper inches of new trees. For example, if a 24-inch caliper sugar maple is removed from the site; new trees with total caliper inches of 24 must be replanted. The new trees shall either be of the same or similar species, or, if identified by the Director or his/her designee for species diversification, shall be from a list of permissible species provided by the Director or designee. 6.09 Tree Preservation

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