City of Leavenworth Development Regulations
D E V E L O P M E N T R E G U L A T I O N S A R T I C L E 7 . D E S I G N S T A N D A R D S
7.01 Purpose & Applicability
A RTICLE 7. D ESIGN S TANDARDS 7.01 Purpose and Applicability A. Purpose. The purpose of the design standards is to preserve the quality and character of the built environment in the city. More specifically, the purposes of this section are to: 1. Ensure greater public safety, convenience, and accessibility through the physical design and location of land-use activities; 2. Emphasize Leavenworth’s unique community character while maintaining and enhancing the quality of life for its citizens; 3. Enhance the sense of place by shaping the appearance, aesthetic quality, and spatial form of structures and developments; 4. Promote the sustainability of both the structure and the overall community; 5. Encourage high quality development as a strategy for investing in the city’s future; 6. Minimize negative impacts of development on the natural environment; 7. Promote both the sustainability of the structure and the overall community; and 8. Protect and enhance property values. B. Applicability. The design standards in this Article apply to all new and significantly redeveloped structures in all zoning districts. 7.02 Residential Design A. Design Objective. The Design objective or the Residential design standards are to: 1. Promote “4-sided” architecture, where buildings are designed as a complete and integrated product, considering visibility and impact on all adjacencies 2. Encourage variation in building design so that a compatible range and scale of buildings encourage diversity in details that prevent monotonous streetscapes. 3. Create relationships between residential streetscapes and buildings and sites that reinforce the overall character of the block and neighborhood. B. Specific Applicability. The following standards apply to all residential buildings of any type, unless specifically noted and limited to a certain building type or context. C. Mass and Form . The following standards require a compatible mass and form of residential buildings, particularly when different building types are mixed or transition on or across adjacent blocks. Mass and form standards are broken out by specific building types and contexts. 1. Single Family Infill. Single-family infill located on a block face where more than 50 percent of the existing homes are single-family shall employ the following technique to help maintain a lower-intensity residential character along the street frontage: a. Design of the infill structure shall mimic the building proportions, setbacks, drive style, and location, orientation, height, bulk, and mass of the predominant architectural styles(s) found on both sides of the street.
Professionally prepared elevations are not required, unless the Director is unable to determine the nature of the design from the documents submitted. Designs submitted in accordance with this section shall be reviewed by the Director. Appeal from the decision of the Director shall be to the City Commission.
7 - 1 L E A V E N W O R T H , K A N S A S
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