City of Leavenworth Development Regulations

D E V E L O P M E N T R E G U L A T I O N S A R T I C L E 7 . D E S I G N S T A N D A R D S

7.02 Residential Design

F. Garages, Parking and Access. The following garage, parking and access standards balance the design of sites and buildings for cars, with impacts on neighborhood streetscapes and pedestrian scale residential design. 1. Front-loaded garage doors shall not comprise more than 45% of the building line on the front façade. 2. Alternative garage locations such as side- or rear-entry, detached garages, or garages setback at least 12-feet from the front building line are encouraged. a. Any detached garage shall be architecturally compatible, and consistent in materials, design and colors as the main building. b. Any side loaded garage shall have designs on the street-facing wall that are compatible with the house design materials identical to the primary façade, and by incorporating at least two of the following elements: (1) Two or more windows, with a size, orientation and design similar to those on the primary façade; (2) A permanent trellis covering a minimum of 25% of the wall area. One vine for every eight liner feet of trellis shall be planted at its base. Appropriate vine species are approved by the Director; or 3. Driveway widths within the front yard shall be limited to no more than 30% of the lot frontage width measured at the front building line or 30 feet, whichever is less. Where this limits access to a lot, alternatives such as single-drives to expanded driveway pads, shared driveways and lanes, or alley-loaded access should be considered. 4. To the maximum extent feasible, garage entries, carports, parking areas and parking structures shall be internalized in building groupings or internalized into a residential block and oriented away from the streetscape. 5. Overall, parking areas and freestanding parking structures (detached garages or car ports) shall not occupy more than 30 percent of the perimeter public street frontage for multi-family development. G. Variation of Design. In order to avoid the monotony of repetitive building design, to encourage diversity and visual interest, and to promote a wide range of distinct details within a narrow range of compatible building types, scale and forms, the following techniques should be used in residential projects affecting multiple adjacent buildings: 1. Variation of building types, models or floor plans that result in distinct but compatible building forms when viewed from the streetscape. 2. Variation of front entry features, and to design of roof structures associated with front- entry features; 3. Distinct architectural styles that impact the materials, placement of windows, or level of details and ornamentation while still presenting a compatible design and relationship to the neighborhood streetscape. (3) Garage or living area façade offset from the other a minimum of 4 feet. Design Objective . The non-residential design standards are intended to protect and preserve the quality and character of the built environment in the city’s mixed use, commercial, and industrial districts. More specifically, the purposes of this section are to: 1. Reflect on the impact of various design and development decisions, and how the various styles of within our community can be applied to include a greater degree of interest and diversity, but also a greater degree of compatibility and effective transitions. 2. Promote a specific an intentional relationship of buildings and sites to streetscapes and public or civic spaces through design. 3. Require compatibility in scale, massing and form through recognition of basic building patterns and with subtle transitions through well designed spaces between buildings. 7.03 Non-Residential Design A.

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