City of Leavenworth Development Regulations
D E V E L O P M E N T R E G U L A T I O N S A R T I C L E 7 . D E S I G N S T A N D A R D S
7.03 Non-Residential Design
c. The masonry coverage calculation shall not include doors, windows, chimneys, dormers, window box-outs, bay windows that do not extend to the foundation, or any exterior wall that does not bear on the foundation. Native stone, brick or tile laid up unit by unit and set in mortar; Stucco (exterior Portland cement plaster with three coats over metal lath or wire fabric lath); Architecturally finished block (i.e. Burnished block, split faced concrete masonry units or architecturally finished tiltwall); Architecturally finished pre-cast wall that is profiled, sculptured, or provides three dimensional interest; (2) (3) (4) Cultured stone or cast stone; (5) The rear façade of a building that is adjacent to an industrial use may be constructed with tiltwall concrete, concrete block, or aggregate concrete in addition to the materials permitted herein. Structures 20,000 square feet or less shall require a minimum of two distinct building materials from the approved masonry list be utilized on all facades to provide architectural detail and interest. Structures over 20,000 square feet shall require a minimum of three distinct building materials from the approved masonry list be utilized on all facades to provide architectural detail and interest. Awnings and Overhanging Eaves. The following materials are approved for the construction of awnings and overhanging eaves: a. Industry-accepted metal; b. Canvas; c. Woven vinyl. f. g. d. Masonry shall be defined as: (1) (6) (7) Poured-in-place concrete wall; Architectural glass (less than 25% reflectance). e.
3. Prohibited Materials . The following materials are prohibited as primary cladding or roofing materials: a. Aluminum siding or cladding (excluding composite aluminum cladding such as Alucobond); b. Galvanized steel or other bright metal; c. Plastic siding; d. Cementitious fiberboard; e. Unfinished or smooth concrete block/masonry units or concrete wall; f. Exposed aggregate; g. Wood roof shingles; h. Reflective glass. 4. Façade Colors. a. Colors of paint, stains, and other finishes or materials shall complement each other. b. Generally, no more than three colors per building are suggested. c. Fluorescent colors are prohibited. d. Primary colors are prohibited. e. The use of stark white is discouraged. E. Green Design . To the maximum extent feasible, new buildings are encouraged to incorporate one or more of the following features:
7 - 8 L E A V E N W O R T H , K A N S A S
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