City of Leavenworth Development Regulations

D E V E L O P M E N T R E G U L A T I O N S A R T I C L E 8 . S I G N S

8.12 Temporary Signs


The banner shall be perforated sufficiently to reduce wind resistance and shall be anchored sufficiently to prevent a traffic or safety hazard as determined by the city; Banners may be installed up to 14 days prior to an event and shall be removed within 72 hours of the closing of the event. The city reserves the right to reduce the time frame to accommodate multiple requests for a location; and Not more than the 10% of a banner's face may be devoted to a commercial space of sponsor's logo.



6. Portable Signs: Portable signs, except sandwich board signs as otherwise restricted and permitted by this sign code, shall be subject to the following: a. Portable signs may only be used in conjunction with special promotions of a temporary nature. The allowable size of a portable sign shall not exceed 40 square feet;


Portable signs shall only be permitted in GBD, I-1 and 1-2 zoning districts and shall not interfere with vision clearance triangles or public safety as determined by the Director;

c. d.

Portable signs shall be located on private property only; and

A portable sign may be used for 30 consecutive days and a ninety (90) day period must elapse between the use of a portable sign and its next use. A new permit shall be required each time the sign is erected.

8.13. Electronic Message Center Signs (EMCs) When allowed by any other section of this sign code, an electronic changeable message sign shall comply with the following performance standards provided that, no individual parcel of land shall be allowed more than one animated electronic changeable message sign. A. Illumination/Lumination: An EMC shall utilize automatic dimming technology to adjust the brightness of the sign relative to ambient light so that at no time shall an EMC exceed a brightness level of 0.3 foot-candle above ambient light, as measured using a foot-candle (lux) meter calibrated within the past 36 months. B. Movement: The following display features are prohibited- flashing, strobing, blinking, fluttering, spinning, rotating, bouncing, scrolling and chasing. C. Right-of-Way: No EMC shall overhang into a public right-of-way and shall not be included in a portable or temporary sign. D. Audio Messages: An EMC shall not include any audio message, tones or music.

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