City of Leavenworth Development Regulations
D E V E L O P M E N T R E G U L A T I O N S A R T I C L E 1 1 . B O A R D O F Z O N I N G A P P E A L S
11.03 Power and Jurisdiction
That granting of the variance desired will not be opposed to the general spirit and intent of the Development Regulations.
3. In granting a variance, the Board may impose such conditions, safeguards, and restrictions upon the premises benefited by the variance as may be necessary to reduce or minimize any potentially injurious effect of such variance upon other property in the neighborhood, and to carry out the general purpose and intent of these Development Regulations. C. Exceptions: To grant exceptions which are specifically listed as permitted in these Development Regulations. In no event shall exceptions to the provisions of the Development Regulations be granted where the exception contemplated is not specifically listed as in the Development Regulations of the City of Leavenworth, Kansas. An exception is not a variance. Further, under no conditions shall the Board have the power to grant an exception when the conditions of this exception, as established by these Development Regulations, are not found to be present. D. Conditions of Determination: In exercising the foregoing powers, the Board, in conformity with the provisions of these Development Regulations, may reverse or affirm, wholly or partly, or may modify the order, requirement, decision or determination, and to that end shall have all the powers of the administrative official and may attach appropriate conditions, restrictions or safeguards necessary to protect public interest and welfare. The procedure for requesting a hearing before the Board shall be as follows: 1. Application Submission: All applications to the Board shall be in writing on forms provided by the Secretary of the Board. Said application shall be completed in its entirety and filed in the office of the City Clerk with all supporting data. 2. Notification of Nearby Property Owners: All applications shall be accompanied by an ownership list certified by an attorney, a title company or a list and map prepared by the Leavenworth County GIS Department listing the names and addresses of all property owners located within 200 feet, excluding streets and alleys, of the boundaries of the property included in the application. If the property is adjacent to the city limits, the area shall be expanded to 1,000 feet of property owners outside the city limits. 3. Public Notification: The Board shall fix a reasonable time for the hearing of an application, and notice of the time, place and subject of each hearing shall be published in the official newspaper (as designated by the City Commission) at least 20 days prior to the date fixed for the public hearing. A copy of the notice of public hearing shall be sent to each party of interest, each person on the ownership list, and the chair of the Planning Commission. B. In addition to the above requirements, certain applications require additional information as follows: 1. Appeals: 11.04. Applications A.
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