City of Leavenworth Development Regulations
D E V E L O P M E N T R E G U L A T I O N S A R T I C L E 2 . A P P L I C A T I O N S & P R O C E D U R E S
2.01 Text Amendments
disapprove. If the City Commission returns the Planning Commission's recommendation, the Planning Commission after considering the same may resubmit its original recommendation giving the reasons therefore or submit new and amended recommendations. Upon the receipt of such recommendation, the City Commission by a simple majority thereof may adopt or may revise or amend and adopt such recommendation by ordinance or it need take no further action thereon. If the Planning Commission fails to deliver its recommendation to the City Commission following the Planning Commission's next regular meeting after receipt of the City Commission's report, the City Commission shall consider such course of inaction on the part of the Planning Commission as a resubmission of the original recommendation and proceed accordingly.
6. Publication. If the City Commission approves an application, it shall adopt an ordinance to that effect, but the ordinance shall not become effective until its publication in the official newspaper.
2.02 Platting
A. Applicability: Plat applications are required to establish or alter the legal boundaries of property, and may be the owners or agents of any property affected. B. Platting Procedures: Applications for platting shall be proposed on forms established by the Director of the Planning Department and filed with the City Clerk. Applications shall be processed according to the following specific procedures: 1. Types of Plats. Plat applications are classified and processed as one of the following types: a. Administrative Plats, which are routine applications for lot splits or lot combinations that do not alter development patterns or impact public services; or b. Minor Subdivisions, which are platting of five or fewer new lots, including any remainder parcel, that do not alter development patterns or impact public services; or c. Major Subdivisions, which larger subdivisions are with new ownership and development patterns that impact public services. 2. Pre-application Conference. Prior to the filing of any plat, the applicant shall (preferably with 2 copies of a rough sketch plan of the proposed subdivision) contact the City staff to determine: a. Classification of the plat. b. Procedure for filing plats. c. Availability of City sewers and water, and other major utilities, including a letter or similar proof of availability from any utility. d. Comprehensive Land Use Plan requirements for major streets, land use, parks, schools and public open spaces. e. Zoning requirements for the property in question and adjacent property. f. Special setback requirements for arterial, collector and local streets.
2 - 2 L E A V E N W O R T H , K A N S A S
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