City of Leavenworth Development Regulations
D E V E L O P M E N T R E G U L A T I O N S A R T I C L E 4 . Z O N I N G D I S T R I C T S & S T A N D A R D S
4.05 Redevelopment Overlay District
streets, neighborhoods, and the natural environment in order to implement the Redevelopment Master Plan vision for a more attractive, efficient, and livable community.
Residential Uses.
1. Dwelling, Live/Work: In the CBD subdistrict, the residential living portion of the live/work unit is not permitted within the front half or front 30 feet of space, whichever is greater, on the first floor. 2. Dwelling, Residential: Residential dwelling units shall only be permitted in the CBD subdistrict as part of a vertical mixed-use building where the residential uses can be located either behind the front half or front 30 feet of space, whichever is greater, on the first floor or on the second or higher floors.
Public and Institutional Uses
Arboretum or Botanical Garden. a.
In all residential zone districts, the use shall abut an arterial or collector street. No sales are allowed except through gift shops that are approved accessory uses.
Hospital/Medical Center. a.
The application shall be accompanied by written proof that the proposal meets all federal, state, and county regulations. A minimum of 25% of the net lot area shall be provided in open space. (1) A minimum of three-fourths of the total open space requirement shall be provided as frontage open space to provide a setting for the building, visual continuity within the community, and a variety of spaces in the streetscape. The frontage open space shall not be required to exceed 50 square feet per one foot of public street frontage and shall not be less than 30 square feet per one foot of public street frontage. The remainder of the required open space shall be provided in common open space. When the height of the building exceeds 50 feet, the following yard requirements shall apply: (1) A side or rear yard of not less than 100 feet shall be maintained where the side or rear of the lot abuts a single-family residential district or abuts an alley that is adjacent to a single-family residential district. The 100 feet may include the width of the alley. A side or rear yard of not less than 75 feet shall be maintained where the side or rear of the lot abuts a multiple-family residential district or abuts an alley that is adjacent to a multiple-family residential district. The 75 feet may include the width of the alley. (2) (2)
4 - 1 3 L E A V E N W O R T H , K A N S A S
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