City of Leavenworth Development Regulations

D E V E L O P M E N T R E G U L A T I O N S A R T I C L E 4 . Z O N I N G D I S T R I C T S & S T A N D A R D S

4.05 Redevelopment Overlay District

the parking lots and at each exterior door along with lighting sufficient to support the camera’s range of view but fully-shielded to prevent light spill-over in other locations. The cameras shall be placed to provide visibility to the front and rear exteriors of the building. Monitors shall be provided for security and other hotel personnel so that on-site activities may be viewed at all times. Surveillance cameras shall be in operation 24 hours per day and records of images recorded shall be kept a minimum of 30 days. Building Design shall meet the Physical Facility Criteria for Federal Facilities established by the federal Interagency Security Council. An open and unobstructed lobby area (excluding the work area for hotel employees) which is designed as part of the check-in/check-out area for guests. Two meeting rooms, each at least 2,000 square feet in size. Recreation facilities including a swimming pool with and an exercise room. A lounge area capable of hosting a required daily continental or better breakfast service. On-site management 24 hours per day to provide check-in/check-out services, custodial and maintenance response, or other guest services. A 24-hour business center featuring personal computers with internet access, facsimile and copy machines as well as photo copying and administrative services. Business centers shall be a minimum of 200 square feet with access provided via guest room key. Room service 24 hours a day. Access to guest rooms shall be restricted exclusively to interior corridors, which shall be accessed via the main lobby of the building or entryways individually equipped with some form of security controlled access system. The hotel shall install and maintain, in proper operating order, surveillance cameras in each interior hallway and lobby/lounge area, in the parking lots and at each exterior door along with lighting sufficient to support the camera’s range of view but fully-shielded to prevent light spill-over in other locations. The cameras shall be placed to provide visibility to the front and rear exteriors of the building. Monitors shall be provided for security and other hotel personnel so that on-site activities may be viewed at all times. Surveillance cameras shall be in operation A minimum of 125 guest rooms. Daily housekeeping service.



Interior Design: (1)


(3) (4)



Guest Services: (1)


(3) (4)


Limited Service Hotels (Motels). The following shall be provided: a. Building Design: (1)


4 - 1 5 L E A V E N W O R T H , K A N S A S

R E V I S E D 2 0 2 1

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