City of Leavenworth Development Regulations
D E V E L O P M E N T R E G U L A T I O N S A R T I C L E 7 . D E S I G N S T A N D A R D S
7.03 Non-Residential Design
4. Ensure quality design through unique styles, details and patterns that support different types of development and contexts in the city. B. Mass and Form. 1. Vertical Articulation. Buildings greater than 2 stories or taller than 30 feet shall be designed to reduce apparent mass by including a clearly identifiable base, body, and top, with horizontal elements separating these components. The component described as the body must constitute a minimum of 50 percent of the total building height. 2. Horizontal Articulation. Buildings shall be designed to reduce apparent mass by dividing facades into a series of smaller components. No individual component shall have a length of more than 60 feet. Components shall be distinguished from one another through two or more of the following: a. Variations in roof form and parapet heights; b. Pronounced recesses and projections; c. Wall plane off-sets; d. Distinct changes in texture and color of wall surfaces; e. Ground level arcades and second floor galleries/balconies; f. Protected and recessed entries; g. Vertical accents or focal points. 3. Stepping Back of Building Mass. To the maximum extent feasible, buildings greater than 3 stories or taller than 45 feet shall provide step backs in the building form to achieve at least one of the following objectives where such an objective is relevant: a. Frame or otherwise maintain important views or view corridors; b. Relate to the surrounding development context; c. Provide human scale adjacent to streets, pedestrian walkways, plazas, or other public spaces; or d. Provide a transition in scale from pedestrian scale to large scale. e. Step backs shall: (1) Be at least eight feet in depth. (2) Generally occur between 12 feet and 45 feet above the finished grade (based upon the height of the structure and the surrounding development context).
(3) Where large variations in topography exist (e.g., a building is backed up to an adjacent hillside) or where other unique site constraints exist, alternatives to the building massing and height configurations required above may be approved. Taller structures may require multiple step backs, or variations in building massing and height in order to meet the objectives stated in standard (1), above. “False,” unoccupied upper floors designed to give the appearance of multiple floors are prohibited. If a limited number of buildings within a particular development have multiple stories, the multi-story buildings or the portions of buildings that are multiple stories shall be concentrated at corners, along entry corridor roadway frontages, and near transit stops. (4)
Multi-story Buildings. Upper stories shall consist of usable space. a.
5. Outparcels . To the maximum extent feasible, outparcels and their buildings shall be clustered in order to define street edges, entry points, and intimate spaces for gathering or seating between buildings.
7 - 5 L E A V E N W O R T H , K A N S A S
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