City of Leavenworth Development Regulations
D E V E L O P M E N T R E G U L A T I O N S A R T I C L E 7 . D E S I G N S T A N D A R D S
7.03 Non-Residential Design
Where feasible, gates, courtyards, staircases, and bridges shall be used to connect buildings and create outdoor rooms and linkages. Primary entries shall be clearly visible from the street and accentuated from the overall building facade by: (1) Differentiated roof, awning, or portico; (2) Covered walkways or arcades; (3) Projecting or recessed entries from the surrounding building facade; (4) Detailed doors and doorways with transoms, sidelights, trim details, and/or framing; (5) Windows within doorways equivalent in size to 50% of door surface area; (6) Decorative nighttime lighting where appropriate.
2. Transparency. Building frontages and sides of buildings oriented to the street or other public areas (e.g., parks, open space, trails, or corridors) shall incorporate a combination of arcades, pedestrian level display windows, storefronts, and store entrances. a. At least 25% of the total area of all walls facing a public street shall consist of windows or doorways. b. Glazing shall be effectively clear, and shall not exceed 50% reflectance. Divided- light windows are encouraged. Materials that create noticeable glare or which restrict the ability of the public to view the inside of a structure from the outside are prohibited
Energy conserving window films and coatings are permissible within these standards. To encourage activity along the building frontage, entrances shall be located at intervals of a maximum of 50 feet. Building frontages shall be designed at a human scale, with details, windows and other openings along ground floor pedestrian areas. Defensive architecture such as burglar bars, steel gates, and steel roll-down curtains are prohibited.
3. Awnings and Canopies. Structural awnings are encouraged at the ground level to enhance the articulation of the building and provide shade. a. The material of awnings and canopies shall complement the building. b. Awnings shall not be internally illuminated. c. Canopies shall not exceed 40 linear feet without a break. d. Awnings shall not extend more than five feet over the sidewalk, unless otherwise approved by the Director, up to a maximum of 10 feet, and are in keeping with the architectural style of the building. Canopies shall respect the placement of street trees and lighting and shall not interfere with them. All large canopies that require structural columns for support shall have a minimum six-foot masonry (or other approved material) finish measured from the finished grade. Materials used on columns and canopies shall be complementary to the building. e. f.
Building Materials and Colors. 1 Wall Materials . a.
All exterior walls, including parking structures, garages, and accessory structures shall be 85 percent masonry. A maximum of 15%of each elevation may include accent materials not listed on the approved masonry list. b. No single building material shall cover more than 80% of the front building façade.
7 - 7 L E A V E N W O R T H , K A N S A S
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