City of Leavenworth Development Regulations

D E V E L O P M E N T R E G U L A T I O N S A R T I C L E 8 . S I G N S

8.01 Purpose


8.01. Purpose and Intent A. The purpose of this Sign Code is to create the framework for a comprehensive and balanced system of content- and viewpoint-neutral regulation of signs to facilitate easy and pleasant communication between people while protecting the First Amendment rights of resident individuals and businesses of the city and preserving and improving the quality of the city's environment by avoiding visual clutter harmful to traffic and pedestrian safety, property values, business opportunities, and community appearance. B. This chapter is intended to: 1. Promote public safety, order and cleanliness; 2. Prevent needless visual cluttering within the city; 3. Promote aesthetics and the quality of community life; 4. Reduce distraction of motor vehicle operation by signage; 5. Provide a means to display signs compatible with their surroundings, and legible to the driving public; and 6. Impose the least regulation and restriction on the expression of opinions and the conveying of information while accomplishing the above purposes. 8.02. Scope A. No sign in the City of Leavenworth shall be permitted in any district except in accordance with the provisions of this sign code. B. This sign code does not apply to signs erected in the public right-of-way, which are regulated by other processes and does not apply to signs erected wholly within a building and not visible outside of the building. C. All sign permits requested under this Article, if they lie within a historic district, are subject to prior review and approval procedures found in Article 9, Historic Preservation Regulations. The following principles shall control the computation of sign surface, sign face and sign height: A. Computation of Sign Face of Individual Signs: The entire area within a single continuous perimeter enclosing all elements (individual letters and/or logo) of the sign which form an integral part of the display including the perimeter border. B. Computation of Area of Multi-Face Signs: The sign surface for a sign with more than one sign Face shall be computed by adding together the area of all sign Faces on the sign. C. Computation of Height : The height of a sign shall be computed as the distance from the base of the sign at average grade to the top of the highest attached component of the sign. 8.03. Computations

8 - 1 L E A V E N W O R T H , K A N S A S

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