City of Leavenworth Development Regulations
D E V E L O P M E N T R E G U L A T I O N S A R T I C L E 8 . S I G N S
8.12 Temporary Signs
9. No temporary sign shall exceed 100 square feet in area. Example; a two-sided sign with 50 square feet of sign surface equals 100 square feet of sign area. 10. No temporary sign shall obstruct or impair access to a public sidewalk, public or private street or driveway, traffic control sign, bus stop, fire hydrant or any type of street furniture, or otherwise create a hazard, including a tripping hazard. 11. Temporary signs shall not be posted on trees or utility poles. 12. No temporary sign shall be placed off-premise or in any road right-of-way except as otherwise specifically stated in this sign code. 13. No temporary sign shall be internally or indirectly illuminated or painted with light- reflecting paint. 14. A temporary sign related to an event shall be removed no later than three days after the event has taken place. 15. Except as otherwise provided in this sign code, a temporary sign may be posted for so long as it remains in good condition. Once a temporary sign is tattered or otherwise is no longer in good condition, it shall be removed or replaced. 16. If the Director determines a temporary sign is not in good condition, the property owner shall be notified of that determination and shall remove or replace the sign within three days of that notification. Signs that are not removed or replaced within three days of the notification shall be deemed a nuisance and shall be subject to abatement or removal by City staff. The Director’s determination that a temporary sign is not in good condition may be appealed to the City Commission under the procedures set forth in this article. 17. Temporary signs shall be allowed in the public right-of-way for 45 days immediately preceeding any primary, general or special elections as defined by the Leavenworth County Clerk, and shall be removed 2 days following said election. The person, party or parties responsible for the erection or distribution of any such signs shall be jointly and individually responsible for their removal. All temporary signs placed in the public right- of-way during this time period shall be subject to the following size and setback distance regulations: 1. Signs shall be set back a minimum of 6 feet from the back of curb. 2. Signs shall not be placed where they interfere with intersection sight distances. 3. Signs shall not exceed 3 square feet in face area and 3 feet in height. 4. Signs shall not be affixed to any utility poles, trees, street lights, bridges, benches or other similar public structures. Temporary commercial signs carried by a person(s) are not regulated in these Development Regulations. However, if the sign is affixed to any structure or the ground at any time it becomes a regulated sign. Carried signs are not permitted within the public right-of-way. 2. People dressed in costumes to further business or civic activities are not regulated in these Development Regulations. Excluded Temporary Signs . 1.
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