City of Leavenworth Development Regulations
D E V E L O P M E N T R E G U L A T I O N S A R T I C L E 1 2 . D E F I N I T I O N S
Off-Premise Sign: A commercial sign containing a message that pertains to a business, establishment, person, organization, activity, entertainment, event, condition, place, service or product that is not principally located, or primarily manufactured, produced, available, furnished or sold on the premises upon which the sign is erected, The on-premises/off-premises distinction applies only to commercial signs. On-Premise Sign: A sign advertising an establishment, business, person, activity, good, product, or service that is located on the premises upon which the sign is erected. Open Space, Common: An area of land or water or combination thereof reserved for the passive and active recreation of the residents of a designated area. Such area shall not include areas used for streets, alley, driveway, private roads, off-street parking, or loading areas, utility easement, trash collection point or private yard area not open to common use by these residents. Open Space: An area of land or water or combination thereof planned for passive or active recreation, but does not include areas utilized for streets, alleys, driveways or private roads, off-street parking for loading areas, or required front, rear, or side-yards. Orientation: Direction on a lot followed by the building's dominant lines, i.e., front-to-back or side-to-side. Outdoor Commercial Recreation: Any facility for recreation, which is outdoors, and commercial in nature. Parking Lot or Garage (Commercial, Non-Accessory): Defined in the Off Street Parking section of these regulations. Parking Lot: A parcel of land devoted to the parking of motor vehicles, which considers the width, length, turning radii and ingress/egress requirements of a standard sized automobile. A parking lot will be sealed with a dustless, all-weather surface. Parking Space: Off-Street: A parcel of land, which is required for parking purposes by this ordinance, on or near the property where the particular use is located. Parking places required by this ordinance cannot be located on any part of a public easement or dedicated right-of-way. Parking Space: The portion of a parking lot sufficient in size to store one automobile. The minimum design established is 8 1/2' x 18'. Parks and Open Space: Participating Community: An "eligible community"; a community in which the Administrator has authorized the sale of flood insurance. PC: Planning Commission Pedestrian Way: A right-of-way dedicated to public use, which cuts across a block to facilitate pedestrian access of adjacent streets and properties. Permit: A signed document from a designated community official authorizing development. As relating to floodplain management a signed document from a designated community official authorizing development in a floodplain, including all necessary supporting documentation such as: (1) the site plan; (2) an elevation certificate; and (3) any other necessary or applicable approvals or authorizations from local, state or federal authorities.
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