City of Leavenworth Development Regulations
D E V E L O P M E N T R E G U L A T I O N S A R T I C L E 1 2 . D E F I N I T I O N S
Principal Use: The main use of land or structures as distinguished from a subordinate or accessory use. Principally Above Ground: At least 51 percent of the actual cash value of the structure, less land value, is above ground. Private Club: "Class B Club" A premises operated for profit by a corporation, partnership or individual, known as the management, to which premises the management allows persons, known as members to resort for the consumption of food or alcoholic beverages and for entertainment. Private Club: “Class A Club" A premises owned or leased and operated by a corporation, partnership, business trust or association, for the exclusive use of the corporate stockholders, partners, trust beneficiaries or associates, their families and invited and accompanied guests, and which is not operated for a profit other than such as would accrue to the entire membership. A corporation, partnership, business trust, or association not operated for a profit, for the purposes of the definition of a Class A Club shall only include a corporation, partnership, business trust, or association, which has been determined to be a bona fide nonprofit social, fraternal or war veterans club. Projecting Sign: A sign that projects from and is supported by a wall of a building or structure. (Sign face may be perpendicular to the wall.) Property Identification Sign : A sign identifying a neighborhood, subdivision or other residential development. A property identification sign may not be a temporary sign. Property Line : The boundary line (front, side, or rear) of land owned by an individual, firm or corporation described by metes and bounds or by a plat lot number. Public Interest Sign: Any sign intended to convey a legal right or restriction on a property, such as a "No Trespassing" sign; a sign intended to warn the public of a bona fide danger on the property, such as a "Beware of the Dog" sign; or a sign placed by order of a court or by a government official in the normal course of their duties. Public interest signs shall include signs identifying a structure or area as a historic structure or place. Public or Private Membership: Any structure or area under the control of a group with restricted membership. Pylon Sign: A freestanding sign with a visible support structure that may or may not be enclosed by a pole cover. Racing Facilities: Any facility, with any surface, where motorized, electric, or internal combustion, vehicles with one or more human occupant race, practice, or test for racing purposes. Racquet Club: A commercial facility for the playing of squash, tennis, or racquetball at which there is a clubhouse including restrooms. Such a facility may provide additional services customarily furnished by a club such as swimming, outdoor recreation, and related retail sales that may include a restaurant and cocktail lounge as a secondary use. Radio, Television, and Recording Services: Any facility where electronic media for radio, television or other methods of distribution is made for commercial purposes. Railroad Terminal: Any passenger or freight terminal used by a railroad company.
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