City of Leavenworth Development Regulations

D E V E L O P M E N T R E G U L A T I O N S A R T I C L E 2 . A P P L I C A T I O N S & P R O C E D U R E S

2.05 Site Plan

for up to six months to allow optimal planting, and provided other adequate assurances of implementation are provided by applicant.

2.06 Minor Modifications

A. General. This section sets forth the required review and approval procedures for “minor modifications,” that are minor deviations from otherwise applicable standards that may be approved by the Director. Minor modifications are to be used when the small size of the modification requested and the unlikelihood of any adverse effects on nearby properties or the neighborhood make it infeasible to seek a formal variance. Minor modifications to development standards may only be requested where no additional permit, such as conditional use or special use, is required prior to construction. B. Applicability. Requests for minor modifications must be made in writing to the Director who shall have 21 days from receipt to respond in writing. If the Director does not act on the request within 21 calendar days, the application shall be deemed denied. The Director may approve a single minor modification per development of up to a maximum of 10% from the following general development and zoning district standards: 1. Minimum lot area requirements, 2. Setback requirements, and 3. Quantitative development standards generally applicable throughout the Development Regulations of the City of Leavenworth, Kansas. The Director shall have sole decision-making authority for a minor modification. C. Limitations. In no circumstance shall the Director approve a minor modification that results in: 1. Any change in required floodplain elevations; 2. An increase in overall project density; 3. A change in permitted uses or mix of uses; 4. A deviation from the use-specific standards in Article 4, Zoning Districts & Standards; 5. A change in conditions attached to the approval of any site plan or special use permit; 6. A change to a development feature already modified through a variance or other minor modification; or 7. Any change in the maximum area of signage. 8. No more than two standards may be modified on any single development project;

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