City of Leavenworth Development Regulations
D E V E L O P M E N T R E G U L A T I O N S A R T I C L E 3 . S U B D I V I S I O N S T A N D A R D S
3.03 Minimum Design Standards
3. Local Streets : Local streets shall be so designed to discourage through or non-local traffic. Local streets should not intersect arterial streets. If two local streets do not line up, they shall be offset at least 125 feet. 4. Cul-de-sacs: An adequate turnaround of not less than a 100-foot diameter right-of-way shall be provided at the closed end of a dead-end local street longer than one lot in length. Such local street segment shall not exceed 800 feet in length from the intersection of a cross street to the juncture with the cul-de-sac. 5. Right Angle Intersections : Under normal conditions, streets shall be laid out to intersect, as nearly as possible, at right angles. Where topography or other conditions justify a variation from the right angle intersection, the minimum angle shall be 60 degrees. 6. Streets Adjacent to a Railroad Right-of-Way, Limited Access Freeway, Principal Highway, or Arterial Street : Where lots front or side, but do not back on railroad rights-of-way, limited access freeways, principal highways, or arterial streets, a marginal access street or frontage road may be required adjacent to the boundary of such rights-of-way. The distance from rights-of-way shall be determined, with consideration to minimum distance required for approach connections to future grade separated intersections. 7. Half-Streets: Half-streets shall be avoided, except for arterial streets and collector streets where applicable, or where they are essential to the reasonable development of the subdivision in conformity with the other requirements of these regulations; or, when the Planning Commission finds that it will be practicable to require the dedication of the other half of the street when the adjoining property is subdivided. Whenever a half-street or portion thereof is existing and adjacent to a tract to be subdivided, the other half of the street shall be based on minimum requirements as set forth in this Article and the Engineering and Public Works Department's Infrastructure Design and Construction Manual and shall be platted within such tract. 8. Alleys: Alleys may be required in commercial, industrial, and residential areas. Dead-end alleys shall be avoided, wherever possible, but if unavoidable, such alleys shall be provided with adequate turnaround facilities at the dead-end. In residential areas, alleys of adjoining subdivisions will not be closed or shut-off by failing to provide alleys in the proposed subdivision. 9. Minimum Requirements : The right-of-way grades and widths for streets and alleys, shall
not be less than the minimum for each classification as follows: Table 3-01: Required Road Rights of Way and Desirable Grades Minimum Right-of-Way Width
Desirable Grade
Local Streets: Residential
60 feet 80 feet
Industrial & Commercial
100 feet diameter
Marginal Access Streets or Frontage Roads: Two-Way
50 Feet 50 Feet 20 Feet
10% 10% 10%
3 - 3 L E A V E N W O R T H , K A N S A S
R E V I S E D 2 0 1 9
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