City of Leavenworth Development Regulations
D E V E L O P M E N T R E G U L A T I O N S A R T I C L E 3 . S U B D I V I S I O N S T A N D A R D S
3.04 Required Improvements
treatment facilities, water supply, natural gas, electricity, and telephone service. All utilities shall be installed according to the specifications of the controlling utility company or public agency. 1. Waterlines: T he applicant shall connect with such water main and provide a water connection for each line in accordance with the Water Board's standard procedure and supervision. Fire hydrants shall be provided as an integral part of the water supply system on a minimum of a six-inch waterline. Location of fire hydrants to serve the platted area will be determined by the Fire Chief in review of the Preliminary Plat. 2. Sanitary Sewers: Where a serviceable public sanitary sewer line with sufficient capacity is within 500 feet the applicant shall connect or provide for the connection with such sanitary sewer, and shall provide within the subdivision the sanitary sewer system required to make the sewer accessible to each lot in the subdivision. Sewer system plans, after being approved by the Director of Public Works shall be submitted to the state Board of Health for final approval, and construction shall be performed by a qualified contractor, with final approval by the Director of Public Works. Where sanitary sewers are not available, other facilities, as approved by the Kansas State Board of Health, must be provided for the adequate disposal of sanitary wastes. 3. Permanent Monuments : Permanent monuments shall be placed at all lot and block corners, angle points, point of curve in streets and at intermediate points as required after improvements are installed and prior to the final acceptance of the improvements by the City. Said permanent monuments shall be 1/2 inch iron core bars or pipe, two feet long and shall be set with top of monument flush with existing ground line. A permanent concrete monument, four-inch by four-inch by two-feet in depth, shall be placed at one subdivision corner (preferably the legal description point of beginning) set with an identification plate. Where the proposed subdivision is a re-subdivision or concerns an area presently having any or all required improvements as previously set out, and where such improvements meet the requirements of this Section and are in good condition as determined by the Director of Public Works, no further provision need be made by the applicants to duplicate such improvements. However, where such existing improvements do not meet said requirements, the applicant shall provide for the repair, correction, or replacement of such improvements so that all final improvements will then meet City standards and specifications. 2. Where the proposed subdivision is a re-subdivision or concerns an area presently abutting or containing any existing public street of less than the minimum required right- of-way width or roadway width, land shall be dedicated so as to provide a minimum street right-of-way width established by these regulations and/or Planning Commission policy, and the applicant of such proposed subdivision shall provide an additional roadway pavement meeting the minimum standards set by these regulations and the City. The Director of Public Works shall determine what adjustment to make where the previously mentioned widening merges with existing streets which are of smaller width at the boundary of such proposed subdivision. The City may reduce the minimum roadway Exceptions for Existing Improvements 1.
3 - 7 L E A V E N W O R T H , K A N S A S
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