City of Leavenworth Development Regulations

D E V E L O P M E N T R E G U L A T I O N S A R T I C L E 4 . Z O N I N G D I S T R I C T S & S T A N D A R D S

4.01 Purpose


The standards set forth in this section establish the physical dimensions of each Zoning District in these Development Regulations.

4.02. Establishment of Districts & Intent

For the purpose of regulating and restricting the location and use of buildings and land for dwellings, business, industry, conservation, flood plain or other uses, the City of Leavenworth, Kansas, is divided into the following districts. The boundaries of zoning districts are indicated upon the most current "Official Zoning District Map" of the City of Leavenworth, Kansas, is made a part of this ordinance. Copies of the zoning district map are filed in the office of the City Clerk. In support of the Comprehensive Plan, each district has the specific intent statement indicated below. A. R1-25, Low Density Single Family Residential District. This district is intended to allow residential development at a low density. The principal land use is single-family dwelling with uses incidental or accessory thereto. The district also permits a variety of agricultural uses. There shall be only one principal structure per lot in this district. B. R1-9, Medium Density Single Family Residential District . This district is intended to allow medium density single-family residential development with smaller lots. There shall be only one principal structure per lot in this district. C. R1-7.5, Medium Single-Family Residential District . This district is intended to allow medium density single-family residential development. There shall be only one principal structure per lot in this district. D. R1-6, High Density Single Family Residential District. This district is intended to allow higher density residential development. There shall be only one principal structure per lot in this district. E. R-MF, Multiple Family Residential District. This district is intended to provide for development of multiple-family residential developments and allows a high population density. The district is residential in character and promotes a high quality environment through aesthetically oriented property development standards. This district is appropriate for many areas of the community and shall be located in accordance with the criteria established in the Leavenworth Comprehensive Land Use Plan. These districts need not be contiguous with other multiple family districts. F. R4-16, Medium Density Multiple Family Residential District . This district is intended to provide for development of multifamily dwellings up to four unit buildings in areas designated for medium density residential in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan on areas deemed appropriate

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