City of Leavenworth Development Regulations
D E V E L O P M E N T R E G U L A T I O N S A R T I C L E 1 . G E N E R A L P R O V I S I O N S
1.02 Administration
the Board is specifically authorized to grant such exceptions and only under the terms of this ordinance. Appeal of decisions by the Board is made to District Court. The Board of Zoning Appeals shall operate according to a set of bylaws approved by the City Commission. 3. Development Review Committee. It is the duty of the Development Review Committee (DRC) to plan, coordinate, review, and facilitate all new development and substantial redevelopment within the City; including all development applications and requests for variances and exceptions. a. Development issues will entail the adequate provision of power, potable water, sewage service, communications, road access and capacity, solid waste disposal, life safety aspects, comprehensive plan compatibility, requests for minor modifications, zoning appropriateness, storm drainage, visual aesthetics, and all other issues which may be necessary to provide for the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Leavenworth.
The Development Review Committee (DRC) shall be comprised of the following persons or their designated representatives, or other similar city representatives designated by the City Manager: (1) Chief Building Inspector (2) City Clerk (3) City Manager (4) Assistant City Manager (5) City Planner (6) Economic Development Director (7) Fire Chief (8) Parks & Recreation Director (9) Planning & Community Development Director (10) Police Chief (11) Public Works Director Meetings. The Development Review Committee (DRC) shall meet weekly in the City Commission Chambers, as needed. The City Planner, or designee, shall prepare the weekly agenda, and shall provide the necessary staff to record meeting minutes and maintain a record of documents submitted for each agenda item. Chair. The City Planner shall be the administrative coordinator of the Development Review Committee (DRC) and shall preside as the Chair.
4. City Commission. Upon receipt of recommendations from the Planning Commission, the City Commission shall act as the final local authority on all requests for district boundary changes, amendments to the text of this ordinance, annexation requests, approval of disputed site plans and special use permits. The City Commission may grant extensions of time for submission or completion of projects, as it deems expedient. Appeals from decisions of the City Commission are made to District Court. The City Commission shall hear all appeals from staff decisions referred to it under these Development Regulations.
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