City of Leavenworth Development Regulations
D E V E L O P M E N T R E G U L A T I O N S A R T I C L E 7 . D E S I G N S T A N D A R D S
7.02 Residential Design
2. Townhomes. No more than six single-family dwelling units shall be attached in a single row. Facades shall be differentiated into separate units by the following: a. Each unit shall have distinctly different facades and no attached single-family structure facade shall be repeated more than once every four structures on the same side of the street. The facades of single-family attached town homes shall be punctuated by a change in texture material, offset, or other architectural feature to differentiate individual units. 3. Multi-dwelling Structures . Buildings with 3 or more dwellings or any residential buildings constructed as part of a multi-family development shall meet the following mass and form standards: a. The minimum separation between multi-family buildings, including accessory buildings, on the same lot or development parcel is 15 feet. b. Multi-family buildings in a single development shall be clustered or grouped to form neighborhoods. c. Developments with at least four units shall provide 150 square feet of private common open space for each multifamily dwelling unit. A minimum of 40 percent of the open space shall be usable for recreation, including swimming pools, sport courts, or playgrounds with equipment. Required landscaping is excluded from open space calculations. Each elevation shall incorporate wall plane projections or recesses having a depth of at least four feet and extending a minimum of four feet at a minimum interval of 30 feet The elevations of all multi-family buildings shall be articulated through the incorporation of at least three or more of the following: (1) Balconies; (2) Bay or box windows; (3) Porches or covered entries; (4) Dormers; (5) Accent materials such as brick, stone, or stucco with banding highlights; (6) Window grills and shutters; (7) Variation in window sizes and shapes; or (8) Vertical elements that demarcate building modules. The height of each multi-family building taller than 35 feet shall be stepped down from its highest roofline at least one full story on any end of the building located within 50 feet of a street-right-of-way or an adjacent area zoned or used for single-family residential. Multi-family buildings shall provide concentrated unit access points. Monotonous access balconies and corridors running the length of the exterior of a building are prohibited. Multi-family infill located on a block face where more than 75 percent of existing homes are single-family shall employ one or more of the following techniques to help reduce the overall bulk and mass of individual buildings and help maintain a lower-intensity residential character along the street frontage: (1) Articulating the front façade so that the building appears from the street to be separate homes by “stepping back” the front façade a minimum of 10 feet at the traditional side yard setback would typically be found between two single-family homes; b. d. e. f. g. h.
Organizing units around a central courtyard that maintains the impression of the traditional side yard setback between units along the street frontage; or
7 - 2 L E A V E N W O R T H , K A N S A S
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