City of Leavenworth Development Regulations

D E V E L O P M E N T R E G U L A T I O N S A R T I C L E 7 . D E S I G N S T A N D A R D S

7.03 Non-Residential Design


The even dispersal of outparcel sites in a widely spaced pattern along streets is strongly discouraged. Buildings shall be organized to promote a compact pattern of development, pedestrian-friendly spaces, streetscapes, areas of naturalized landscaping, and screen parking areas. Spaces between buildings on outparcels shall be improved to provide small-scale pedestrian amenities such as plazas, seating areas, pedestrian connections, gathering spaces, or well-landscaped parking areas. Buildings located at entrances to a development demarcate a gateway to create an overall identity, set the tone for the development, and mark arrival or entry. At major entry points of a development with three or more buildings, buildings shall be organized along the street and at the intersection to create a gateway. Architectural attachments shall be incorporated into the facades of buildings, and be placed at major entry points, to help emphasize arrival or entry into the development. These features may include, but are not limited to: (1) Civic amenities such as patios or plazas with seating and landscape, mini parks or squares. (2) Landscape features such as planters, water features and monument signs. (3) Architecture enhancements such as pilasters, arcades, and tower elements. Roofline Articulation . Variations in rooflines shall be used to add interest and reduce the scale of large buildings. Roof features shall complement the character of the overall development. Flat Roofs. Flat roofs shall include parapets that adhere to articulation requirements for the main face of the structure. The average height of the parapet shall not exceed 15% of the height of the supporting wall, unless rooftop equipment cannot be sufficiently screened. A three-dimensional cornice treatment is encouraged for parapets. Parapets shall look complete from all sides if visible at any distance from the ground. Parapets shall be constructed of the same material as the primary façade. Overhanging Eaves . Overhanging eaves shall extend no less than three feet past the supporting walls. Roof Pitch. Pitched roofs shall have a pitch consistent with the majority of buildings within 1,000 feet. This requirement excludes roofs for entries and dormers. Architectural Elements. Architectural elements that add visual interest to the roof, such as dormers and masonry chimneys, are encouraged. Asphalt shingles, industry-approved synthetic shingles, standing seam metal or tile roofs are allowed. Wood shingles, corrugated metal, tarpaper, and brightly colored asphalt shingle roof materials are not allowed where visible from a roadway, public park, or residential district. Roof Materials. (1) (2)






Roofs. a.







Orientation and Articulation. 1. Entrances. Doors shall be used to establish interest, character, and variety along the public right-of-way. a. All buildings shall have a principal building entrance that faces an adjacent public street, public plaza or public walkway. In cases where this is not feasible buildings may face a parking area provided it is connected to the street with a sidewalk.

7 - 6 L E A V E N W O R T H , K A N S A S

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