City of Leavenworth Development Regulations
D E V E L O P M E N T R E G U L A T I O N S A R T I C L E 1 2 . D E F I N I T I O N S
Banner : A canvas, plastic, cloth, or fabric sign used to advertise a product, service, event, or promotion. Banners are considered to be temporary signs only. (See Temporary Sign.) Base Flood: The flood having a one percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. Basement: Any area of the structure having its floor subgrade (below ground level) on all sides. Bed and Breakfast Guest House: Any residential or commercial structure within a zoning district which allows this land use wherein short-term boarders are allowed (not to exceed 28 days) to share from two to five guest rooms and living space with the family in residence and breakfast is served at no additional charge. In approval of a Bed and Breakfast Guest House the city may consider impact on neighbors' parking needs, etc. and place additional requirements as deemed appropriate. On site owner occupancy is not required. Bed and Breakfast Home-Stay: Any residential structure wherein short-term boarders are allowed (not to exceed 28 days) to share up to two guest rooms and living space with the family in residence and breakfast is served at no additional charge. In approval of a Bed and Breakfast Home Stay the city may consider impact on neighbors' parking needs, etc. and place additional requirements as deemed appropriate. On site owner occupancy is required. Bed and Breakfast Inn: Any residential, commercial, or industrial structure within a zoning district which allows this land use wherein boarders are allowed to share more than five guest rooms and living space with other guests and breakfast is served at no additional charge. No upper time limit on residency is to be established. In approval of a Bed and Breakfast Inn the city may consider impact on neighbors' parking needs, etc. and place additional requirements as deemed appropriate. Owner occupancy is not required. However, a 24-hour management presence is required for all operations with more than 5 guest rooms when 1 or more guests are in residence. Better Building: This ratio is determined by dividing the County’s most recent appraised value for a building (not the site) by the building’s area in square feet. The upper 1/3 of all building value to area ratios within 1000’ shall be used to determine if a proposed architectural style is generally compatible with the area. Commercial buildings shall only be compared to commercial, industrial to industrial. Billboard: An off-premise sign having a specified display surface that advertises goods, products, or services, generally not available or sold on the premises. Block: A piece or parcel of land entirely surrounded by public highway, streets, streams, railroad rights- of-way or parks, etc., or a combination thereof. Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA): A local body created by ordinance, whose responsibility is to hear appeals from decisions of the local zoning administrative officials and to consider requests for variances and exceptions permissible under terms of the Development Regulations of the City of Leavenworth, Kansas. Boarding or Rooming House : A building other than a bed and breakfast, hotel, motel, cafe, or restaurant where, for compensation, directly or indirectly, lodging and/or 2 meals per day are provided for three (3) or more boarders and/or roomers exclusive of the occupant's family. Buffer Strip : A strip of land, identified in the Development Regulations of the City of Leavenworth, Kansas, established to protect one type of land use from another with which it is incompatible. Additional use, yard, or height restriction may be imposed but normally a properly screened area can provide a buffer.
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