City of Leavenworth Development Regulations
D E V E L O P M E N T R E G U L A T I O N S A R T I C L E 1 2 . D E F I N I T I O N S
Builders Supply Yards and Lumberyards (except when indoors as part of a hardware store): Building – A structure having a roof supported by columns or walls for shelter, support, or enclosure of persons, animals, or personal property. Building Coverage: The amount of land covered or permitted to be covered by a building, usually measured in terms of percentage of a lot Building Height: The vertical distance measured from the average existing grade within the building setback envelope to the uppermost point of the roof of the building. Building Materials: Substances used in construction of a building, specifically the exterior elements, which influence character, appearance, and durability. Building Supplies and Equipment: A wholesale sales and warehousing operation catering to building contractors and not open to the public. Building Type: A definition based on floor plan, height and roof shape, related to architectural style. Bulk: That measure that establishes the maximum size of a building and its location on a lot. Components of bulk include: size and height of building, location of exterior walls at all levels with respect to lot lines; streets and other buildings; gross floor area of building and amount of lot area provided per dwelling unit Bus Garage and Equipment Maintenance: Any facility for the storage, maintenance or operation of transportation equipment, Bus Terminal: A structure or place for the loading, unloading, and transportation of people into vehicles capable of transporting more than 15 people. Unlike a bus stop, a bus terminal includes restroom facilities and the vending of trip tickets. Camp, Private, Overnight: A private facility for use of its membership which allows temporary residence, not to exceed 30 days, in tents or recreational camper trailers. On-site staff members are not limited to a residency period restriction. Recreational Vehicles are not included. Campground: A facility, which allows temporary residence, not to exceed 30 days, in tents or recreational camper trailers. Recreational Vehicles are not included. Canopy and Awning: A roof-like cover having no supporting walls but supported otherwise from the ground, deck, floor, or walls of the building. Car Wash/Truck Wash: A facility for the washing and further cleaning of cars or trucks. CBD : Central Business District as defined by the most current Development Regulations. Cellar: See Basement. Cemetery: An area set apart for or containing graves, tombs, or funeral urns. Certificate of Appropriateness -Minor: A Certificate of Appropriateness which may be granted by certain designated staff for exterior repairs, maintenance, signage or for non-registered properties which have no adverse impact on historic properties.
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