City of Leavenworth Development Regulations

D E V E L O P M E N T R E G U L A T I O N S A R T I C L E 1 2 . D E F I N I T I O N S

Certificate of Appropriateness or CofA : A certificate issued by the City approving plans for alteration, construction, demolition or other matters relating to various historic properties. Certificate of Occupancy: Official certification that a premises and its identified use conforms to the provisions of the Development Regulations of the City of Leavenworth, Kansas and building codes and may be used or occupied. This certificate is granted for new construction. Certified Ownership List : A current list of names and addresses of property owners of record, and a legal description of the property owned that would lie within 200 feet (1000 in the rural area of the County) of the external boundaries of any land proposed for rezoning, special use permit, variance, or exception. This list may be prepared and certified by an abstractor, attorney, surveyor, or the County GIS department. The Director may accept a list prepared by city staff. Changeable Message Sign, Electronic – A sign that is activated electronically, whose message, content, or display, in whole or in part, may be changed by means of either electronic, computerized programming or any other means, and which the message is in text, alphanumeric characters, symbols, logos, or static image. Changeable Message Sign, Manual – A sign on which the message or copy is changed manually in the field. Character: Those individual qualities of building, sites, and districts that differentiate and distinguish them from other buildings, sites, and districts. Chief Engineer: The chief engineer of the division of water resources, Kansas Department of Agriculture. Chief Executive Officer or Chief Elected Official: The official of the community who is charged with the authority to implement and administer laws, ordinances, and regulations for that community; i.e., the City Manager. Child Care Center: A day nursery providing care for seven (7) or more children, for part or all of a day or night, away from the home of the parent or legal guardian; including full day child care, nursery schools, play groups, Head Start, centers giving emphasis to programming for special children, kindergartens not operated by the public schools, and other establishments offering care to groups of children for part or all of the day or night. Centers for infants and toddlers or for handicapped children may have fewer than seven (7) children but be licensed as a center because the program meets child care center regulations. City Commission: The elected, governing body of the City of Leavenworth. City Manager : Executive appointed by the City Commission City Planning Commission: The Leavenworth City Planning Commission. City: The City of Leavenworth, Kansas. Civic, Social, and Fraternal Organizations: Any organization with a mission of promoting the public good.

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