City of Leavenworth Development Regulations

D E V E L O P M E N T R E G U L A T I O N S A R T I C L E 1 2 . D E F I N I T I O N S

incidental repair, processing, or packaging of merchandise, offices incidental to the management or maintenance of stores or buildings, restrooms, facilities, or exterior balconies. Food, Beverage, Convenience and Groceries Retail Sales: A grocery store is a store established primarily for the retailing of food. It stocks different kinds of foods from assorted places and cultures, and sells them to customers. Large grocery stores that stock products other than food, such as clothing or household items, are called supermarkets. Small grocery stores that mainly sell fruits and vegetables are known as produce markets. Bodegas and kiosks are small grocery stores that predominantly sell snack foods and sandwiches. Convenience stores typically also retail gasoline. Foster Home: A residence or building in which 12 to 24-hour care is provided to no more than five (5) children, two (2) or more of which are unrelated to the foster parent. Foster homes are permitted in all residential districts as they are considered a family Frame Effect: A visual effect on an Electronic Changeable Message Sign applied to a Frame to transition from one Frame to the next. Frame: A single static image generally used to convey a picture or message or portion thereof that could include multiple frames through scrolling, traveling, and other effects. Fraternity/Sorority Home: A chapter house, providing residential and dining facilities for members of social organizations with a membership consisting of undergraduate students at colleges and universities. These are single-sex, initiatory organizations with membership considered active during the undergraduate years only. A fraternity or sorority must be recognized by and affiliated with a local college or university. Free Standing Sign : Any self-supporting ground, pole, pylon, or monument sign which is detached and is independent from any structure. Freeboard: A factor of safety usually expressed in feet above a flood level for purposes of floodplain management. "Freeboard" tends to compensate for the many unknown factors that could contribute to flood heights greater than the height calculated for a selected size flood and floodway conditions, such as bridge openings and the hydrological effect of urbanization of the watershed. Frontage: The frontage of a lot is the side nearest the street. For the purpose of determining yard requirements on corner lots and through lots, all sides adjacent to streets shall be considered frontage and yards shall be provided, as set forth in this document. Functionally Dependent Use: A use that cannot perform its intended purpose unless it is located or carried out in close proximity to water. This term includes only docking facilities and facilities that are necessary for the loading and unloading of cargo or passengers, but does not include long-term storage or related manufacturing facilities. Funeral, Mortuary, Crematory: A facility for the provision of funeral services, including the preparation of bodies for burial or their disposal by cremation. Future Land Use Map: A component of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Gas Station: See Service Station.

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