City of Leavenworth Development Regulations

D E V E L O P M E N T R E G U L A T I O N S A R T I C L E 1 2 . D E F I N I T I O N S

GBD: General Business District as defined by the most current Development Regulations. Golf course, private: A golf course, with private membership and ownership, consists of a series of holes, each consisting of a teeing ground, fairway, rough, and other hazards, and a green with a flagstick and cup, all designed for the game of golf. It may include a driving range, restaurant, pro-shop and bar. Golf course, public: A golf course, with public membership and either private or public ownership, consisting of a series of holes, each consisting of a teeing ground, fairway, rough and other hazards, and a green with a flagstick and cup, all designed for the game of golf. It may include a driving range, restaurant, pro-shop and bar. Governing Body: The City Commission of Leavenworth, Kansas. Government Activities or Services: The rendering of services of a governmental nature (police, fire protection, refuse collection, or code enforcement for example) required within or upon any property regardless of zoning classification. Government Administrative Buildings and Support Facilities: Primary and accessory structures to be used by United States, Kansas, county, city, and local school districts or governments for the delivery of essential services to the public. This definition does not apply to nonprofit corporations or organizations, which may deliver government services but are not under the jurisdiction of a popularly elected legislative board or commission. All other provisions of the city’s Development Regulations, zoning, land use, construction, and property maintenance codes shall apply to government-owned facilities. Government Offices and Facilities: Any facility, function, office, shop, or place operated by any one of the following governments: United States, State of Kansas, County of Leavenworth, City of Leavenworth, USD 453, or any other division of the state of Kansas with the authority to levy and collect taxes. Grass: A species of perennial grass grown as permanent lawns or for landscape purposes as distinguished from those species grown for agricultural or commercial seed purposes. Greenhouse/Nursery: A nursery is a place where plants are propagated and grown to usable size. These include retail nurseries that sell to the public, wholesale nurseries that sell only to businesses such as other nurseries and to commercial gardeners, and private nurseries that supply the needs of institutions or private estates. Some retail and wholesale nurseries sell by mail. Group Home: Disabled (defined by K.S.A. 12-736): A dwelling unit occupied by not more than ten (10) persons, including eight (8) or fewer persons with a "disability", which is licensed by a regulatory agency of the state. "Disability" refers to persons with physical or mental impairments substantially limiting major life activities. Gun Sales and Service: Any place, structure, or person licensed by the federal government, which offers the sale, rental, service, repair, or storage of guns, ammunition and shooting accessories. Health Resort/Spa: A business establishment which people visit for professionally administered personal care treatments such as dietary counseling, various therapies, massages, and facials in a hotel setting where people reside for a day or more. Heavy Industrial: The production of products, which are either heavy in weight or heavy in the scale of the processes leading to their production. Products are often produced with by the use of smelters, furnaces, and high energy or raw material inputs. Often heavy industrial processes involve the use of

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