City of Leavenworth Development Regulations

D E V E L O P M E N T R E G U L A T I O N S A R T I C L E 8 . S I G N S

8.05 Sign Installers

the city and the laws of the State, and shall provide for the indemnification of the city for any and all damages or liability which may accrue against it by reason of faulty installation, erection, demolition, repair, removal, or defects in or collapse of any sign for a period of one year after erection and for such period of time that such a sign is maintained or serviced by or under the direction of the maker of such bond. Such bond shall further provide for the indemnification of any person who shall, while upon public property or in any public place, incur damage for which the principal named in the bond is legally liable. D. Revocation of an Installer’s License: If at any time within any rolling six month period any holder of a sign installer’s license is found to have erected more than two signs without a permit, the Director shall notify the holder that the license is revoked. Maintenance. All signs, together with all of their supports, braces, guys and anchors, shall be kept in repair and in a proper state of preservation. The sign Surface of all signs shall be kept neatly painted or posted at all times. Every sign and the immediate surrounding premises shall be maintained by the owner or person in charge thereof in a clean, sanitary, and inoffensive condition and free and clear of all obnoxious substances, rubbish, and weeds. All maintenance required is the responsibility of the owner of the sign. Where sign ownership cannot be determined, the property owner is responsible for the maintenance of the sign. Failure to maintain signs shall result in citation and/or city -ordered correction as permitted. B. Sign Illumination. Signs may be internally or indirectly illuminated unless specifically prohibited elsewhere by this sign Code. All illuminated signs, including electronic changeable message signs and digital billboards, shall comply with the National Electric Code and other codes as applicable. Illuminated signs shall not be permitted in residential districts unless specifically allowed by this sign code. All electronic changeable message signs shall comply with the performance standards herein. C. Electronic Signs Subject to Safety Review. Electronic changeable message signs and digital billboards within a sight line of any traffic control or safety device signal shall be subject to approval by the City Engineer. Signs found by the City Engineer after their installation to be hazardous to the traveling public shall be immediately disabled and the burden of demonstrating an alternative location or method of display for that sign shall be the responsibility of the property owner. D. Inspections. All signs for which a permit is required shall be subject to inspection by the Director or his/her designee. Footing inspections shall be required by a Building Inspector for all signs that have footings. All signs containing electrical wiring shall be subject to the provisions of the governing electrical code; electrical components shall bear the label of an approved testing agency and shall be subject to inspection by the City Electrical Inspector. The City may order the removal or repair of any sign that is not maintained in accordance with the provision of this sign code. E. Substitution of Message. For any sign authorized in any zoning district, a non-commercial message may be substituted for any allowed commercial message or any other allowed non- commercial message, provided that the sign is legal without consideration of message content. If 8.06. General Standards A.

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