City of Leavenworth Development Regulations
D E V E L O P M E N T R E G U L A T I O N S A R T I C L E 8 . S I G N S
8.06 General Standards
the sign is one for which no sign permit is required, the message substitution may be made without additional approval. The purpose of this provision is to prevent inadvertent favoring of commercial speech over noncommercial speech, or favoring of any particular non-commercial message over any other non-commercial message. This provision does not allow for the substitution of an off-premise commercial message in place of an on-premises commercial message. F. Materials. All attached signs and free standing signs shall be constructed of materials generally used for permanent signage. A vinyl, fabric, or other similar material banner may not be utilized for a permanent attached or free standing sign. 8.07. Signs Permitted in All Districts The following signs shall be permitted in all zoning districts; permits shall be required unless excluded from the permit requirements. A. Official governmental jurisdiction flags, including flags indicating weather conditions, and flags that are emblems of religious, charitable, public, and nonprofit organizations. No flag shall exceed 50 square feet in area. Title 4 of the United States Code provides instructions on how to display the Flag of the United States. B. One directional sign shall be permitted at each entrance to a building site and at each entrance to a drive-thru facility when zoned business or industrial. Such signs shall not exceed four feet in height, shall not exceed four square feet of area per sign face, and may be single or double-faced. Such signs may indicate entrances, exits, addresses, direction of traffic flow, and the location of loading docks, parking areas, delivery doors, drive-thru lanes, and similar facilities. Up to 25% of the area of the sign may be used to display the name or logo of the developer, building or principal tenant. Such signs shall not be located on the right-of- way and shall not block vision to traffic. These signs are not computed as part of allowable free standing signage and will not be subject to spacing restrictions. Directional signs shall not be electronic changeable message signs. C. Contractors' remodeling signs identifying the contractor(s) who perform remodeling or property improvement work are permitted. Not more than one sign, not to exceed eight square feet, shall be permitted for each contractor if the property is zoned residential, or not to exceed 32 square feet if the property is zoned other than residential. Said signs shall not be installed before commencing work on the project or the issuance of a building permit for the project and the sign shall be removed within 80 days of completion of the project. Contractor's remodeling signs may be a non-affixed sign, but shall not be an illuminated sign or an electronic changeable message sign. D. Address signs that do not exceed two square feet in areas zoned residential and three square feet in areas not zoned residential and may include the name of a legal home occupation. Address signs shall not be an illuminated signs or electronic changeable message sign.
8 - 6 L E A V E N W O R T H , K A N S A S
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