City of Leavenworth Development Regulations
D E V E L O P M E N T R E G U L A T I O N S A R T I C L E 8 . S I G N S
8.08 Residential Districts
G. Permanent property identification signs may be permitted at each entrance to a neighborhood, subdivision, or residential development in accordance with subdivision plat approval. H. Public and Semi-Public Buildings. Churches, schools, libraries, community centers, hospitals, or other public/semi-public facilities located in a residentially zoned district shall be allowed signage as regulated and permitted in Section 8.10, Signs Permitted in the Neighborhood Business District (NBD).
8.09. Signs Permitted in the MP (Mobile Home Park)
The following signs shall be permitted in the MP Zoning District as set forth herein: A. All signs as regulated and permitted in Section 8.07 - Signs Permitted in All Districts. B. For rental and/or management offices, one identification sign not exceeding 12 square feet in sign surface, attached flat against the wall is allowed. C. Other signs as reviewed and approved as part of a rezoning request may be allowed.
8.10. Signs Permitted in the Neighborhood Business Districts (NBD) and Residential Mixed Use District (RMX)
Table 8-02: NBD Signage Standards
Maximum Number
Maximum Size
Maximum Height
96 s.f. or 10% of wall surface [1]
Attached Signs
1 per side
Free Standing Signs
1 1
32 s.f.
Sandwich Board (A-frame) Signs
6 s.f.
32 s.f. or 33% of window area
Window Signs
[1] Projecting signs are allowed as regulated by Section 8.10.B.2
The following signs shall be permitted in the Neighborhood Business District and Residential Mixed Use District: A. All signs as regulated and permitted in Section 8.07 - Signs Permitted in All Districts. B. Signs attached to a building shall be allowed as follows: 1. One wall sign shall be allowed for each side of the structure. A structure with multiple businesses may have one sign for each separate business. Each separate business shall have clearly defined exterior wall space and the size of that wall space shall be the determining factor on sign size allowance. The sign Surface shall not exceed 96 square feet or 10% of the wall surface, whichever is less. This wall
8 - 8 L E A V E N W O R T H , K A N S A S
U P D A T E D 2 0 2 1
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