City of Leavenworth Development Regulations

D E V E L O P M E N T R E G U L A T I O N S A R T I C L E 8 . S I G N S

8.10 Neighborhood Business District

sign may be an electronic changeable message sign, provided it complies with the applicable standards for same. 2. A projecting sign that does not project from a building greater than a distance of six feet, does not encroach in the public right-of-way, and maintains eight feet of clearance from grade is permitted. In computing the square foot allowance for a projecting sign, the total area of the sign surface shall be included in the total area allowed for all wall signs, but shall not be larger than 24 square feet. Projecting signs do not reduce the number of wall signs as regulated by the zoning district, however, only one projecting sign shall be allowed per business. One free standing sign shall be allowed per parcel, regulated as follows: 1. Free standing signs shall not exceed 15 feet in height. 2. No part of a free standing sign face, frame, or base shall be closer than five feet to the public right-of-way or side or rear property line and shall not obstruct traffic vision. 3. Free standing signs may have two faces and shall not exceed 32 square feet per face, or one square foot of sign per lineal foot of lot frontage, whichever is less. 4. No free standing sign face, frame or base shall be closer than 50 feet to another free standing sign. 5. Separate and distinct street frontages shall be computed individually for allowable signage; however, signs shall be located on the street frontage that is used for computation. (No accumulation is allowed for unused street frontages.) 6. The allowed free standing signs may be electronic changeable message signs, provided they comply with all other standards in this article addressing lighting, safety, and electronic changeable messages. D. One sandwich board (A-frame) sign that meets the following requirements per street frontage is allowed as follows: 1. A permit shall be required for sandwich board signs. Permits are good for the life of the sign. 2. Sandwich boards signs shall be on-premises signs. 3. The sign may be located on the public sidewalk or the planting strip adjacent to the edge of the street on which it fronts. Signs shall not be placed in any raised streetscape or publicly owned planters. 4. The sign may not exceed six square feet in area per side and may have no more than two sides for the display of messages. 5. The spread of the “A” at the open end shall be sufficient to insure stability and no wider. 6. Signs shall be adequately weighted to resist wind gusts. 7. Chalkboard, whiteboard, changeable letters, and any other non-electronic changeable or erasable surfaces are permitted. C.

8 - 9 L E A V E N W O R T H , K A N S A S

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