City of Leavenworth Development Regulations

D E V E L O P M E N T R E G U L A T I O N S A R T I C L E 5 . A C C E S S & P A R K I N G

5.02 Required Parking

installed past the required 25’ front setback, provided that all other applicable building and fire codes are met.

2. Commercial and Industrial Loading and Parking: Six inches of Portland Cement concrete, reinforced, or six inches of stone and two inches of asphaltic concrete. 3. Parking Lot Marking: Parking spaces in lots of more than six spaces shall be marked by painted lines or curbs or other means to indicate individual spaces. Signs or markers shall be used as necessary to ensure efficient traffic operation of the lot. 4. Bumper Guards: Wheel or bumper guards when used shall be located so that no part of any vehicle shall extend beyond the boundary lines of the parking area, intrude on pedestrian ways, or come in contact with walls, fences, or plantings. Drainage: 1. Off-street parking facilities shall be drained to eliminate ponding water and prevent damage to abutting property and/or public streets and alleys. 2. No surface water from such parking area shall be permitted to drain onto adjoining private property without adequate drainage precaution being taken by the developer. 3. All new and redeveloped parking areas shall be required to present a drainage study prepared by an engineer licensed in the State of Kansas. A. Parking lots should be designed with a hierarchy of circulation. For example, major driveways should be clearly delineated by landscaped areas and should have limited or no parking along them while parking aisles should provide direct access to parking spaces. Parking lot circulation shall accommodate emergency response vehicles. B. Parking lots should be located behind buildings or in the interior of a block whenever possible. C. Parking lots containing more than 200 parking stalls shall be divided into two or more lots, separated by a 15-foot wide landscaped area that may be counted toward the required off-street parking landscaping area. D. Within each parking lot, parking spaces shall be grouped into blocks of 40-50 spaces with each block separated from the others by curbed planting areas at least the size of one parking stall. E. Parking stalls shall measure at least 8.5 feet by 18 feet, except angled stalls as low as 30 degrees may be used to reduce the lengthwise right-angle of the stall proportionately. Additionally, up to 10 percent of all parking may be reduced to 7.5 feet by 15 feet, if specifically marked for compact cars. C. 5.04. Parking Design

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