City of Leavenworth Development Regulations
D E V E L O P M E N T R E G U L A T I O N S A R T I C L E 5 . A C C E S S & P A R K I N G
5.04 Parking Design
F. Generally there shall be at least 25 feet of back-up space in drive aisles beyond the parking stalls, unless configurations of parking and drives allow for better arrangements. Configurations which incorporate two or more parallel rows of parking may use common back up space.
5.05. Access
Access to sites and parking areas shall generally follow the following standards, unless streetscape design, street networks, development patterns and traffic patterns dictate otherwise: A. Width. Access for one-way traffic shall be between 12 feet and 20 feet at the property line. Access for two-way traffic shall be between 24 feet and 30 feet at the property line. Access widths may be wider to account for vehicle turning movements at the street edge. Any access that requires greater widths, or access to an arterial street shall be median divided. B. Spacing. Unless no other practical alternative is available, all driveways and access points shall be spaced as follows: 1. Residential. 50 feet from a street intersection, 12 feet from another access driveway, and 2 feet from an interior property line. 2. Non-residential. 75 feet from a street intersection, 50 feet from another access driveway, and 10 feet from an interior property line. C. Shared Access. Shared driveways, cross access easements, and other internal access systems are desired in all contexts in order to minimize curb cuts that disrupt the streetscape design and create pedestrian and traffic conflicts. A. Loading and unloading spaces shall be provided off-street for such uses involving receipt and distribution of materials or merchandise by motor vehicle or rail. All loading and unloading operations shall be so located to avoid undue interference with public use of streets, alleys, and walkways. Such space shall include loading areas as specified below for loading and unloading operations and shall have a minimum height clearance of 14 feet. The number of spaces shall be provided as follows: 1. Gross Floor Area Space Required : a. Under 5,000 sq. ft. None b. 5,000 to 9,999 sq. ft. 1 space (12'x25') c. 10,000 to 24,999 sq. ft. 1 space (12'x70') d. 25,000 to 49,999 sq. ft. 2 spaces (12'x70') e. 50,000 to 100,000 sq. ft. 3 spaces (12'x70') 5.06. Off-street Loading
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